Tuesday, 30 August 2016

"Just Eat A Piece of Pizza Will You!"

A good friend said this to me once when she grew tired of seeing my green drinks.

"Just eat a piece of pizza will you?"

I would love to enjoy a piece of pizza the way I used to before discovering my allergy to gluten. I do make a gluten free version but let's face it, some things like pizza and pasta are very hard to replicate without wheat flour. I have learned to appreciate the gf versions but my memory is very strong and sometimes I would rather go without, than eat a substitute for the real thing.

Those of you who know me well know that I love cooking just as much as I love to exercise. That is the secret. You can have the occasional treat, in fact I recommend it, but you also have to move more when you consume those treats.

Life is about balance and most often if there is weight gain, the balance is off.

We have choices to make every single day. Each day you get a new opportunity to make better choices about every aspect of your life.

I choose to eat well, and exercise daily.

Get moving and keep enjoying life.

See you in class!!!

Monday, 29 August 2016

Note to Students/Saturday Classes

Today you are able to register at the gym for the Fall session. I just want you to know that if the program fills up and you are left with no option for fitness, I give classes on Saturday morning in Pointe Claire.

I am also offering a Level 2/3 Line Dance on Monday afternoon. Some of my Level 2 students at the gym may be interested in trying some more complicated material.

I also give classes in my home studio. Please contact me if you are interested or if you fail to get into the program at the gym. Lets keep you fit!!!


While I do give the Yoga class at the gym, some of you do not have access to it because of the program that you have chosen. The Core Class is a brand new class that I have developed and it will not be offered at our gym.

9 am: Core (Abs/Back) and Concentrated Stretch
          Mat required. Shoes optional. We are on the mat for the whole class.
10am: Yoga Stretch
           Mat required. Shoes optional. There will be standing poses.
BONUS **********
11:15 am: Ultra Beginner  Line DanceFree
             You will learn the basic steps and be dancing before you know it!
           This is your chance!

Early Bird Special: Register before September 5th

Have a great day everyone!

See you soon,

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Cancer Puts Life in Perspective.

Most of us know someone who has battled cancer.

Some of us win the battle.

Some of us lose.

Through the process we all learn from the experience.

Ever optimistic and positive, someone I know is doing all that they can to live fully despite the odds.

Through my tears, I remain speechless.

Yet my mind races.

What would I do?

If I were standing in the same pair of shoes, could I fill them as well?

Would I stumble around, trip and fall or could I manage to balance and walk tall?

Could I soldier on with such grace and compassion?

I have no answers but I'm learning as I watch this person navigate an ocean of stormy seas. They rise and fall with the waves of treatment, and look upon each new sunrise with an optimism that makes me feel ashamed for complaining about trivial things. The time we all waste on this earth is remarkable. I need to change this and fill my days with quality people and activities that bring me joy.

I'm learning to keep life in perspective.
To cherish what really matters.
To take the time to talk, listen, laugh and love.

Sometimes the best teachers come in the most beautiful packages.
I thank you.

All my love to you.
Soldier on!


Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Peer Pressure in Group X Classes: It's a Good Thing!

Some clients hate the gym. They prefer to exercise in the comfort of their own home, while others love the atmosphere of being in group fitness classes.

Peer pressure can be a problem in classes because some students tease each other, or try to push others to go beyond their limits. I've seen this happen on more than one occasion and I've stepped in to remind everyone to train at their own pace. While it's good to have support and positive encouragement, we have to remember to listen to our own body.

More often than not however, peer pressure has a positive effect.

For instance, some of my clients who are approximately 65-70 years young are in excellent physical condition. They are flexible, have great endurance and balance. Often when a new person joins the group, who is younger (55-60 years old), they suddenly see that they have a lot of work to do to achieve the same health. In this case, being around others motivates them to work hard and never miss class. Even when they share the same age as the majority of the class, new students see how fit they should be in comparison to their peers.

If you normally train alone, I highly recommend that you try a group fitness class and see how you measure up around people your own age. Working out alone sometimes gives us a false sense of security. We can become complacent and stop trying to improve ourselves physically and mentally.

Get to the gym!

See you soon,

Monday, 22 August 2016

Fall Classes

I can already see the Christmas holidays even though it's still summer.

Every year at this time I set up my class schedule for Fall and while others are still enjoying their summer activities, my thoughts are far away.

If you were attending my classes last Spring, my schedule remains exactly the same at the gym and I believe that registration is taking place next Monday. Check the website so you don't miss out!

The only difference that you will notice is my aerobics class is going to become an aerobic interval class. You will still get muscle conditioning, mat work and stretching but the aerobic portion will have some upper and lower body exercises mixed in.

This year I'm happy to offer my private level 2/3 line dance class again. I took last year off from teaching this class because I had accepted a last minute, afternoon teaching position. If you're interested in this class and have not received my email with the details, please contact me as soon as possible as you need to register before September 1st.

I know it's hard to pull away from the beauty of summer but take a minute to register for the upcoming fall activities. I look forward to seeing all of you in classes very soon!!

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Cookies After Exercise?

If you're attending my mini summer session, you've noticed that I'm providing a few light snacks after the workout.  I've had many comments concerning this so I thought I'd repeat some of the tips that I've expressed in previous blogs.

If your goal is to lose weight, you need to spend (burn) more calories than you consume in a day. There's no magic pill or perfect exercise to help you achieve this. Any activity that gets your heart rate up and makes you break a sweat, will help you lose weight, if you're watching what you're eating at the same time.

If your goal is to lose weight, than you should either enjoy the treat and adjust your food intake for the remainder of the day, or pass.

What I've noticed after many of years of working with you, is most of you like to gather together after class for a coffee. Often there are homemade goodies to go along with the coffee or I've run into you at Tim's.

My goal is to provide a space for these meetings. Friends who exercise together, support each other and have the most success achieving their fitness goals. The best part of group fitness classes is the socialization aspect. 

Thank you for the lovely comments concerning my baking!  

Have a great weekend.

See you soon,

Thursday, 18 August 2016

If You Can't Meditate, Concentrate!

I continue to hear clients say that they just can't get into the meditation aspect of yoga and I can understand this perspective.

The first time I experienced meditation, I was on an 8 hour silent ( yoga ) retreat and we began the experience with an hour of meditation.

I thought I was going to burst. I had driven two and half hours to get to this retreat. I was pumped and ready to get moving but we were asked to be still for what seemed like an eternity. My mind would not slow down. The leader had told us to try to resist the desire to shift our position or scratch those itchy places on our nose etc. She told us to focus on our breath and if we still could not settle, she asked us to isolate one sound in the distance and focus on that instead.

You know when someone tells you that you can't move or scratch what happens? I was suddenly itchy and felt the need to fidget non-stop. It felt terrible.

So I can understand it when people tell me that they will never be able to meditate.

If you are one of those people, maybe you can think of this aspect of yoga, as 'concentration' instead of 'meditation.'

In all fitness activities, you will benefit far more from the exercise at hand if you really concentrate on where you are, and what you are doing, in that very moment. If I teach you how to perform a squat, hopefully you're going to really concentrate on doing it well so you don't get injured.

If you are lying on your back, and I ask you to meditate, concentrate on your breathing. People generally only breathe into the top third of their lung capacity. Focus on breathing better. Equate it to any other exercise you would do at the gym. Your challenge is to do it to the best of your ability and eventually you will be able to concentrate for longer periods of time on other activities in life.

While holding the yoga poses, the idea is to not entertain every thought about your discomfort. Acknowledge that you feel your muscles but don't give into the idea of giving up because it is hard. Try not to scratch those itchy spots for the duration of the pose. Try not to think about anything other than your breath. This exercise is about controlling your thoughts so they do not control you.

Eventually our yoga practice, helps us to handle events that come our way, over which we have no control. We learn to keep our thoughts in the here and now, and focus on what needs to be done to survive whatever comes our way, including the next yoga class!

Have a wonderful day and see you soon...

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Thanks so much!

Yesterday was our first day at the new venue and I want to thank all of you for making it such a successful day!

I'm feeling my muscles today and I'm guessing that those of you who were in my strength classes are as well. Remember to be active today and do some stretching.

Remember that you have homework to complete and bring it with you the next time that we are together please.

Many of you have asked to have the recipe for the cookies that I made as a little after class treat. It will be available (for free) on my new website that should launch next week.

My regular blog posts will begin again tomorrow morning. Today I will be prepping for the new classes that start tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day and thanks again for your support.

What fun!!


Friday, 12 August 2016

Note to Students

I want to thank all of you who attended the last ten week session.  It was great to see so many people during the summer months. Our schedule was very different from the Spring session, and this was a bit hard on all of us, but you stuck it out and made the experience very enjoyable!

I want all of my students to know that I will have the same classes in the upcoming Fall schedule as had last Spring. I have no idea when the facility will be holding registration, but I am sure that this information will be on their website soon.

Our gym is now closed for four weeks but many of you have signed up for my private classes.

I'm happy to report that 5 out of the 6 classes being offered are full but one has few spots remaining so if you want to have more information please contact me via email: betholdfield01@gmail.com.

I'll spending the weekend and Monday, preparing for our mini summer session. So there will be no blog post on Monday or Tuesday.

Please note that although I would've loved to have everybody join me at our summer location, I only have so much equipment of my own. This is why I needed you to commit to the classes that you will attend ahead of time (essentially you are reserving your equipment not just your spot,) and this is why there is no drop in option.

Have a great weekend and I will see you on Tuesday or Thursday next week!


Thursday, 11 August 2016

Power Poses for Easing Anxiety

There are many events in our lives that require us to be confident and self assured. Job interviews and confrontations with co-workers, are just a few examples of situations that can cause us to feel anxious.

I've attended many conferences on health and well-being over the years, and on more than one occasion we've been taught about power poses. Holding a power pose for two minutes before we step into a scary situation, can ease our anxiety tremendously.

Raising our arms in victory is one pose that feels great to assume. Imagine how you feel when you win a race, game or contest.

Another power pose that is often suggested, is standing with our hands on our hips. I think back to my mother when I see this pose. If she was unhappy with us, we knew it from the way she held her body. We weren't going to argue with her when she appeared looking at us in this stance!

I'm smiling in these photos because my husband makes me giggle when he takes my picture but even with the smile, I look more confident that I would with my arms by my side.

Try each of these poses for one minute right now and see how you feel afterwards. I imagine that with shoulders back and chest raised, you are breathing better and feeling stronger.

So before the next big event in your life, find a private space (maybe a bathroom stall or an empty room) and assume one of these poses for two minutes. I hope it helps to ease your anxiety.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

My Mother's Pearls

You just didn't mess with my mother.

She was one of the most brilliant women I've ever known. She knew the answers to all of my problems without needing to look it up on google. She commanded respect, in a loving sort of way and if you tried to give her anything but your best, she could smell that you were holding back!

As a teenager I can remember being embarrassed by my mother's confidence, especially when she was complaining about her food to a waitress. Both my dad and I would try to calm her down, but nothing could hold her back.  She expected her food to be hot when it arrived and if it didn't taste good, it was going to be replaced! She demanded excellent service and you know what? She got it.

The butcher in the meat department of our local grocery store, used to hide when he saw my mom approaching.  There was no way she was going to pay for spare ribs if they continued to hide the tough ones underneath the good cuts. She would make them undo the packages until she found one that she liked!

As a cashier, you hoped that you gave my mother the correct change or you were going to have a battle on your hands, and probably have to close the cash, count it and rectify the mistake right on the spot. And lord help the manager, if the item being purchased, scanned in at a higher price. Oh boy, it was hard to be with my mother at times. I would cringe during these experiences but I learned so much from observing her in action.

My mother served on various committees and this would take her away from us in the evenings sometimes. Watching her leave the house all dressed up, is one of my strongest memories. While she was gone, I would write notes and leave them on her pillow, telling her how much I loved her.

I used to love playing in her closet. I would put on her dresses, shoes and her pearls and parade around the house, pretending to be her.

The truth is I will never be as strong as my mom. She died in 2007, a day that was scratched into my mind forever with a rusty nail. Even in her dying she remained tough right up until the last breath.

I hear her whispering to me sometimes when I feel beaten down and ready to give up. She keeps me going.

Her pearls are now one of my most treasured possession. I don't wear them often but when I do, I swear I can feel her holding me in a warm hug.

Happy Birthday Mom.

Love, Beth.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Just Say "No!"

Balance can be hard to achieve if you are the kind of person who says 'yes,' to everyone and everything. Learning to express our sentiments clearly, is beneficial to our health. My son is living proof.

Josh, is a determined and wise young man.

When he visits, we have long chats and during these moments I learn quite a bit about him and myself in the process. Recently he was explaining to me how he handles it when people are demanding too much of his time.

"Mom, I have made a habit of saying 'no' instantly. If I really don't want to do something I tell the person right away."

He went on to explain that the first few times that he did this, it felt as if he was being a bit mean, but with practice it got easier and he's now happier and more carefree.

I have struggled with being a "people pleaser," myself. My desire to impress has often resulted in me being unhappy in jobs or relationships. Thankfully, I recognized this characteristic in myself about three years ago and I am actively working on being more like my son. Josh figured this out at 23, while it has taken me 47 years to piece it together! What a kid!

The key to speaking our minds is saying it with grace and kindness. At times we may offend people but I have discovered that it is better to be true to ourselves than to live with regret.

See you soon,

Monday, 8 August 2016

Family History Can Help You Heal.

I've ready many books this summer and one of the most interesting was written by Mark Wolynn, "It Didn't Start With You."

The premise behind Mark's book is that the roots of our anxiety, phobias and depression etc., may reside "in the lives of our parents, grandparents and even our great-grandparents" and that "traumatic experience can be inherited."

This book forced me to sit down and really examine my family tree and put myself in the shoes of my ancestors. It has been a fascinating journey so far and I have come to understand the importance of knowing our history.

My grandmother was sent to Canada in 1900 at the age of 12 years old, with her younger brother, to find a better life. These two children arrived in Montreal as Home Children. They were immediately separated and she never saw her brother again.

My grandmother went on to forge a wonderful life but I can certainly see how this experience shaped my own mother. Mark suggests that if we know what happened in our family tree, we can begin to see the ripple effects on subsequent generations. We can start to identify patterns and in so doing, bring about change.

I have spoken about the effects of stress on our bodies and minds many times on the pages of this blog. Perhaps this book can help you to dig a bit deeper and help to bring balance to your life.

Have a great day,

Friday, 5 August 2016

Broga /Jock Yoga / Jo-Ga?

While driving home yesterday, I heard a discussion on the radio about yoga classes designed specifically for men.

One of my male clients actually brought me a clipping from the newspaper highlighting this new trend.

I am all for it!  Anything that gets men into fitness classes is a positive step in the right direction.

Typically men who make it to the gym, hide out on the machines. I see many guys peeking into my classes out of curiosity but these 'jock' types laugh when I ask them to join the class.

If my class was only for men, maybe they would feel more comfortable giving the experience a try.

Working out alone in the gym has it's advantages. You can exercise on your own schedule. You can work at your own pace and you can do it without engaging with anyone if you wish.

From my point of view, 'jocks' should add a class or two to their routine. It would open their eyes to new exercises and they would receive professional instruction on how to do the exercises safely.

If the class was just for men, these 'jocks' would build a community of support which makes the experience really enjoyable.

The instructor being interviewed said that his classes for men are less serious than typical yoga classes and the focus is on strength, instead of stretch. Men typically do not want to spend time stretching or meditating but once they are in the class enjoying the pump of it all, a teacher like myself can start to sneak in small snippets of tradition.  It is a win win situation for everyone involved.

Love it!

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Working Hard: Mentally vs Physically

There is a time to work hard physically at the gym and then if you are lucky there are classes that challenge your brain!

Line Dance is definitely a challenge for your brain. Once you know the steps it can be a wonderful workout but it is not meant to be like an aerobics class.

When you are in my aerobics class, the goal is to improve our cardiovascular system. I intentionally keep the steps simple because I want you to perform at your highest level, while paying attention to your posture and your intensity level. If you are stumbling through the class, trying to keep up to the teacher, you may find that the only thing you get out of the class is frustration!

The best part about line dancing is the way that it forces you to think! To get the steps for each dance you have to memorize the choreography and how it works with the music.  Once you have that dance under control, each time it comes up, you feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment and joy as you move smoothly around the dance floor.

The next challenge that arises in line dance is the similarity between the dances and how you cannot let one blend into the other!

This summer I had to teach my level 1 and level 2 classes together. To keep everyone interested, I chose to teach dances that were slow love songs. This way my level 2 students were able to learn some new routines, while my level 1's had a chance to keep up due to the music being slow.

Yesterday, for the last two minutes of class, I pulled out an old slow song that my level 2's knew very well at the end of last session. I did not teach it but went over one wall to jog their memory. I was trying to give them a moment to stop thinking and enjoy a moment of success from their past!  Well, unfortunately, the dance was similar to one that I had just taught both levels ( which I thought was a good thing) and most of the students were blending the two together for the first four walls! We persisted and about half way through the song, we were all on track with the dance.

As much as you can find moments of joy in dance class, you really do have to keep thinking.  It is such a wonderful hour of exercise for the brain.

Have a great day,

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Tapping to Ease Anxiety

This post is for anyone who has ever experienced a panic attack or anxiety.

This spring when I was feeling overwhelmed, I stumbled upon a video on YouTube that claimed 'tapping' could relieve my anxiety.

I was all alone and had nothing to lose by trying, so I decided to follow along with the leader and see if the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) could help me out.

The general idea is that we tap into our fears and through the EFT process we release emotional and/or physical responses. We tap on acupressure points along the body, while repeating affirmations about the anxiety, followed by statements of self-acceptance. 

Honestly, the science behind it is a mystery to me but my anxiety subsided. I felt relaxed and completely calm.

I now use this technique often, though I have not done it in public. It does look a bit bizarre to people watching.

Tapping is so effective that I have considered teaching it to my students in my Yoga/Relaxation classes.

The video is 9 minutes long. We all have 9 minutes to help ourselves feel calmer. 

It feels a bit silly at first but it does work.

I hope you give it a try and if it interests you, explore further!


Let me know if it works for you!


Monday, 1 August 2016

Is Relaxation Hazardous To Our Health?

I finally have proof that though I can teach fourteen hours of fitness a week, for twelve weeks straight, and never miss work, I often get sick when I stop!  Many fitness instructors I know have experienced the same thing. Many people get sick in the middle of vacation and feel cheated.

According to Marc Schoen, PHD and author of "When Relaxation is Hazardous to Your Health,"a phenomenon called, the "Let Down Effect" can result in us getting sick once we eliminate the stress of work or a big project.

When we are under stress, our body is equipped to fight for survival but if we come to a screeching halt, and drop onto the couch for days, Dr. Schoen claims that this can "lead to biochemical changes that can result in a weakened immunity." (http://marcschoen.com/the-let-down-effect/)

I am happy to say that I have been quite healthy this summer because I kept five classes running, but even this small change, resulted in a calf injury. I stopped my daily routine of stretching because I was not longer teaching yoga everyday.

The best advice that I can give to avoid getting ill on vacation, is to keep doing a small portion of your fitness routine daily or weekly. It is so tempting to give in to our desire to do absolutely.

Many of my students continue to walk and stretch when they are cruises or tropical beach vacations. 

When I know that you are leaving on vacation for a few weeks, I tell you to walk and stretch daily and then I did not follow my own advice!

I look forward to getting back to our workout schedule in September but until then, lets keep active together.

See you tomorrow,