To My Students: I want your story!

An open call to ALL of my students past and present:

I am collecting your fitness stories for a non-profit book to encourage the 50+ crowd to get off of the couch.
I will give all of the profits from the sale of the book to a local charity that takes care of helping seniors improve their lives.  That will be determined later. You can give me an idea of your favourite organization.   

Let’s use our stories to help others!

Please let me know if you are interested in taking part by sending me a private email:

I have been training some of you for over 10 years and some of you, for just a few months.  All of you are inspirational to me and all of you have great stories to tell about how exercise has improved your life.  

I can come and interview you or if you are more comfortable sending me your story, we can do it all by email. I will want a photograph of you. I can take that, or you can send me one of yours.
I am so proud of all that you have accomplished and I hope that you are too!  

I am on a personal mission of “giving back” this year! I hope that you will help me to spread some joy!

Love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Genetics or ...?

    I just had a follow up meeting with my oncologist after a bout last year with breast cancer. I was lucky it was caught early and was very treatable. I was also "lucky" that I recovered quickly from the surgery and had minimal reaction to the radiation therapy. The oncologist turned to his students and, crediting genetics, said they would never see a better case. But I suspect it was more than just good genes. I give a lot of credit to my fitness classes, which not only helped me start this journey in top shape, but also help build confidence in my body's strength and a positive attitude overall. Kudos and thanks to Beth and everyone else who has helped me stay fit and strong. The stats bear it out: fit, active people suffer less ill effects and recover better from cancer treatments than those who are not. So work now to stack the odds in your favour: one of these days you may be very glad you did.
