Tuesday 5 May 2015

The importance of friends.

Sometimes we can’t do it alone.

Sometimes we need a friend to help us along the way.

This is a photograph of myself and Rob, my nephew, taken by him last autumn.  We are just 5 years apart in age, so we grew to be friends before we even knew the importance of family.

Rob has been a sounding board to me through much of my life.  We are constantly talking about new and alternative methods to help us to relieve stress.

Rally the support of one of your friends to encourage you to try new things. Perhaps he or she would like to join a class with you. I heard a long time ago about two friends who would take each other’s right shoe home after the workout. This would require the other person to show up at the gym the next day, as not doing so, would let the other down! 

Rob is a Reiki practioner. I have asked him to share his knowledge of this healing art. Rob refers to it as another tool in your “personal toolkit for staying healthy.”

It is similar to massage however no hands touch you.  I will let him explain.  It is an hour of complete relaxation and quiet.  

You will find his explanation of Reiki under the Pages listed on the left hand side under my Blog Archive.

I hope you find a Reiki practioner and give this a try. It may make all the difference.

Have a great day!



  1. Love the shoe idea! Yes friends are truly Gods blessing. Just yesterday meeting with a close friend who recently graduated from MICH school of Homeopathy, I discovered multiple explanations for things I felt guilt about in parenting ..... Understanding them allowed me to let go of guilt and then took a much needed walk while kids quietly did homework side by side - something which has NEVER happened in 9 years!!

  2. A reiki practitioner I highly recommend in the West Island is Veronique Beniak

    1. Thanks for the reference! I hope my students see this!

  3. That reminds me when we lied in a small town, exercise classes were only at 9 in the morning - and I am NOT a morning person. So to get me to go with her, a friend came to my house and let herself in, put the coffee on, and when the coffee was ready woke me up. After my coffee and a wake-up-chat I was good to go!
