Monday, 11 May 2015

My Family

The students who have been in my classes for many years, are always asking how my "kids" are doing.  Well here they are, all grown up!

At times, it feels as though I have over 100 Mom's to replace my own Mother who passed years ago.  This is a gift, I assure you!  For I have so many women in my life, who are willing to lend a ear and share some kind advice.

This was the most memorable Mother's Day yet, as our youngest, picked up the two older kids and then drove us all to a restaurant, in his newish car! I did not have to orchestrate the event, except to find a place that served gluten free food.  The kids are old enough to plan and execute without their Mom. My husband and I got to sit in the back seat before we picked up the fifth person.  Suddenly, we were the "kids" as our "kid" drove us around.  Although, I did do my share of backseat driving. (I tried to keep my mouth shut but wow, that is hard.)

They are all headed down exciting career paths and they exist, for the most part, without my interference.

It is hard at times, to sit back and watch them all doing their thing, regardless of what I have to say but I know that they are moving through this world, with grace and respect for life and that is really all I need to know.

I told them yesterday, that they have done so well in life, because I "got out of their way." Sure it was hard to sit back and watch them chose to do things that I did not like or agree with, but if I had held them back, then how would they have come to know their limits? Whenever they have approached me with a "crazy" idea, I would listen and wait to see them work it out on their own. Sometimes, the idea would grow ( much to my dismay occasionally), sometimes it would fail but in the process they got to know who they are and what they are all about.

We all have to test our limits and see what arises.  At times this means choosing to eat and drink things that we know are not good for us. At other times, it can mean being intentionally inactive or being up too late or partying too hard. It can also mean pushing ourselves way too hard at the gym and over training.

We all know when it is time to push the reset button and get back on track. Our bodies have a way of telling us, so that we hear loud and clear.

Yesterday was a welcome break from the routine. 

Have a great day everyone.


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