Thursday, 30 April 2015

With all of my heart.

Good Morning Everyone,

I had to take a picture of myself yesterday after class, as half way through the cardio segment, a heart appeared on my chest. I guess I really put my heart into that workout!!

I encourage you to put your heart into every effort you are making to take care of yourself today.

Yes, some days are easier than others but I try to remind my students that we are so lucky/blessed, to have this time together.  It is a luxury.

When taking care of my dying father a few years back, I spent so much of my time in the hospital.  For years, my time was not my own.  Unfortunately, we often only realize how good something is, when we lose it. Every moment that we spend in good health, doing what we want to do,when we want to do it, needs to be treasured.

I tell my students that they should be smiling from ear to ear because they are able to move and get out and socialize, laugh and play. We take this for granted.

Walk, run, dance!  Whatever you do, give it your all.

Be fully present in the next yoga class. Be fully present when muscle conditioning or doing your cardio. Do not watch or listen to the news while working out.  Try to focus on what you are doing.  You will get more out of your efforts that way.  Give yourself a gift.  The gift of taking care of your heart, mind and body.

With all of my heart, I wish you a fabulous day!

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

What are you eating?

I thought a picture of my Four Berry Pie would make you smile. It's no secret that I love to bake. Now I have to bake gluten and lactose free but I can appreciate the occasional treat.

My question to you today is what are you eating to fuel you throughout your day?

I meet honest, hard working people everyday in the gym. People who show up daily, do the exercises I have prescribed and still, they cannot seem to lose those last 10 - 15lbs.

If this sounds like your story, you are not alone. I am going to let you in on a secret. What you eat is more important than what you do at the gym. Let me repeat this. What you Eat, is more important than what you do with me at the gym. Some of you will be reminding me of this when we are getting ready to do our sit-ups tomorrow! You still need to exercise, I promise you that but you also need to think about how you are fuelling those workouts.

People can get very upset when I start to inquire about what they are eating, however, if you are telling me that you have literally tried everything to lose weight, than we need to take an honest look at your diet. The good news is you can shed the pounds simply by making simple changes.

Sometimes, it is just a matter of educating yourself on how the food you do eat, breaks down in your body. I have listed a few books at the end of my blog page that do a good job of explaining this. Go and buy them or take them out of the library and start learning! They have saved my life literally.

So for those of you, who really want to make a change in your life, food can heal you.  I know that you do not want to be on pills for all kinds of ailments. Learning to cook new foods and eat healthier is fun and the benefits are amazing.

I have spent the last year totally changing my diet. I now eat far more than I ever did before and I weigh 10lbs less. This is because I am making far healthier choices. I eat lots of protein and tons of vegetables and fruit. I drink only one small cup of coffee a day with almond milk and the rest is water! And yes, I eat pie and cookies (gluten and lactose free.)

The answer really is simple. Move more and eat better. Avoid added sugars in all of the food you eat. Drink water! This is all much easier than coming to see me.  I still want you to be in my classes of course but examining what you are eating and how it may be sabotaging your efforts is a great place to start.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Could you do this?

This photo is of one of my students. She gave it to me in 2010. She wishes to remain anonymous. I keep this on my writing desk to remind myself that anything is possible. When I asked her yesterday if I could use it, she giggled and agreed.  She was very proud of what she did as the younger people on this trip were too afraid to even try.

Could you do this? I realize that you may not want to do this ha, ha, but could you imagine doing this?

If you are saying "no way, my back is too bad or my knees are too bad or I have no balance", than think about this. The woman in this photo is 70 and had had a hip replacement years prior.

Do not limit yourself.

If you are under the age of 70 and already acting like you imagine a 70 year old would act.  You need to change your attitude and realize that the only one stopping you from being great is YOU.

You do not need to climb on the back of a horse and stand up but address the issues that are limiting your behaviour. 

You will be, what you believe.

Lets start believing that you are someone great, capable of being fit and healthy.

Have a great day.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Do not settle.

Good Morning Everyone,

My message on this monday morning is a personal one.

You know, "you," the best. You know, when you are in fine form and feeling fine.  When life is physically easy and pain free. 

Please do not settle for ill health as part of the aging process.

I hear this all the time.  "Oh, well I am over 40 now, so I have to accept the added pounds around the middle and the stiff joints and the sore back and knees."

This is a myth, started by the people who hate to exercise and like to eat.  LOL.

I train people from the ages of 18 to 85.  My students who are in their senior years are flexible, strong and have great endurance because they make themselves a priority. I have been training many of them since they were 50 and they have been with me for 12 years or longer and I swear to you that they stopped aging and improved their health so much that they are now my heroes.

The added weight that you may be carrying can be eliminated. The muscles can slowly be made more flexible and your heart and lungs can be trained to get you up the stairs quickly.

But only if you do not accept poor health.

Promise yourself one thing today.  That you will look into making some changes to get back to being in fine form.

We can do this.

Have a great day!

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Take in the view.

This was the view from our tent last summer in Gatineau Provincial Park.  The water was steps away.  Such a lovely 3 days.
For many of us, it is hard to get away for a holiday.  Just like it is hard to put in time at the gym, however both are equally important to our health and happiness.
Getting my husband to go away for a few days is very, very hard but once he is in the lawn chair, looking at this view, he wonders what took us so long to get there!!!
Take a mini vacation this weekend. Pull out some old vacation photos, or start to plan your summer retreat.  Or, pour yourself a glass of wine and sit by a sunny window and read. Vacations do not need to be expensive, long trips. Simply slowing down and taking 15 minutes for yourself, can be equally restoring.
Do a one small thing to help you remember that life is not all about work.  It is about taking in the view and really enjoying those special moments.
Have a great rest of the day.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Sit less this weekend.

One of my students made me these socks for my birthday last year.  Thank you Carol!

My challenge to you this weekend is to put on your favourite footwear and spend less time sitting. 

Two years ago, at a Can Fit Pro fitness convention, we learned from our Pro-Trainer, Maureen Hagan, that even if we get our clients to exercise one hour per day, they will undo all of that wonderful work, if they spend the next 8 hours sitting at a desk.

I was so upset.  Here, I have been telling everyone how great they are doing, getting in an hour at the gym daily and now I had to admit that it is not enough.

The fact is, we have to be more active all day long. For instance, I am standing while typing this blog.  I am using an old drafting table for a desk, that allows me to sit and then stand often and keep working. If you sit all day, I urge you to talk to your employer and set up a standing station. 

The constant sitting is making us sick.

Move the blood.  Work the muscles.  Get off the couch if you are reading this...Stand and walk around a bit.

Invest in some fabulous socks and shoes. Use those feet and do your favorite activity!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Thanks for visiting!

Do it for them!

This is my daughter, Sarah Vatne, with the painting she painted last evening at the Artist’s in Bloom event in Montreal.  Sarah is one of the 4 reasons that I work so hard to keep myself in shape. My two sons and my husband are the other reasons.

Sometimes, it is easy to forget why we need to stay fit.  It is not about looking good, though that is one of the benefits.  It is about not wanting to become a burden to the people around us.

Perhaps you have struggled in life by taking care of a sick loved one, while trying to work and raise a family.   
I went through this from 2007 to 2011.

It was in visiting the hospitals that I made a promise to myself to stay as healthy as I can so that I can improve my chances of not spending my final years in poor health.

My parents did not choose their ending.  We cannot control everything that is going to come our way but we can get up every morning and make smarter choices on what we eat and how we spend our time.

So if you won’t do it for you, you must do it for your family.

Have a great day!