Thursday 13 August 2015

"Remember why you started."

 Last month I watched Joss Stone, an English soul singer and songwriter, being interviewed on a Canadian entertainment show. The interviewer asked her how she handles criticism.  She went on to talk about how hard it can be to be judged but that she believes the key is to "remember why you started."

To me this quote has great meaning.  It is so easy to be dragged down by criticism in the fitness industry as we are constantly having to measure ourselves up against the latest, coolest trend. Some of the things I see make me question what my place will be in the future when I have no interest in hanging from ropes to do yoga or boot camp workouts.

If I remember why I started, it is because I love teaching.  I love helping people be the best that they can be. I do not consider myself to be the guru of fitness information. I do not pretend to have all of the answers and when I am with other fitness professionals who do act like they know it all, I start to wonder if I should be teaching. It is very easy to get sucked down the rabbit hole of the latest exercise craze.

What I do know is I want my students to come to my classes feeling like they will be safe and cared for properly. I want them to know that I consider myself to be a partner in their efforts to get healthier.  Together with their doctor's care and perhaps a physiotherapists advice, I hope to help my students enjoy a pain free experience that makes them fall in love with exercise.

I believe in doing the basics better.  I believe in working out in a balanced fashion. I try very hard to not to swing to the extremes in anything I do, as in my opinion that is where injuries occur. 

I remember that as a little girl, my favorite thing to do was pretend I was the teacher!  I love sharing my passion for dance and fitness with my students. 

This is why I started!  To spread the passion.

Have a fabulous day everyone.

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