Monday 17 August 2015

A Personal Reflection

Since Thursday night of last week, I have been taking care of my twenty year old daughter who is terribly ill with what first appeared to be the flu virus but then became a bladder infection.

I am out of practice with my Mom nursing duties so I am completely exhausted from worry and service... so my message today is very simple. 

Do not take your health or the health of your loved ones for granted.

We have taken her to the hospital twice because her fever would not stay down nor would her food.  I am so grateful for all of the nurses and doctors out there who dedicate their lives to caring for us all when we are sick.  There is nothing like visiting the hallways of hospitals to make you realize how grateful we should be for every single day of good health.

Hug your loved ones today. Make smart, healthy choices....

I hope to get some sleep today.

Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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