To be completely honest, I hate walking. I can dance for hours and hours but walking is just not my cup of tea. When Paul tells me that he just got back from a 25 km walk, all I can ask is "why?" I know that it's great exercise. In fact, I tell most new clients to begin their training with walking. It's easy on the joints and you can challenge your heart if you walk up hills and go for long distances. The best exercise is the one that you will do regularly!
Recently, The Montreal Gazette, did a feature on the various walking groups around Montreal. Paul is highlighted in the article. He takes care of membership for one of the associations. After reading this piece, I actually want to try it. Walking in a group, looking at the passing attractions, over 6 km, sounds doable and kind of fun.
Paul wants us to know that in the beginning, he was walking shorter distances. "Lest people think that I started walking 6-8 km a day right off of the bat, it should be known that I always walked at lunch time when I worked. Then when I worked closer to home, I used to walk to and from work 3 km each way almost every day. That kind of launched me to where I am today."
I've always been amazed by Paul's interest and love for this sport. It's keeping him fit and young.
If you've always wanted to join a walking group, follow the link at the bottom of the blog and get in touch with Paul. You'll be happy that you did!
Let me just add once piece of advice. Walking a few minutes every day with your dog is one thing, but going for a hike over long distances is a serious sport and you need to stretch afterwards.
Right Paul!!!
I have included some pictures of my husband stretching the muscles in his legs. These stretches should be done after your walk.
The first image shows a stretch for your hamstrings. Make sure that you hip hinge forward. Don't round your lower back. If you lift your toes, you will also stretch your calf.
This stretch is for your quadriceps. Make sure to sit straight and get your knee lined up under your hip. You can hang onto your pants or use a strap to pull your ankle toward your bum but if you have knee pain, work in a pain free range of motion.
This stretch will stretch your hip flexor. It will also stretch your quadriceps and your calf.
While it is important to keep active, it is just as important to stretch after we work out, to avoid tight muscles and subsequent injuries.
Hope this helps and follow the link to learn more about the local walking scene.
See you soon,
Thank you for the kudos, Beth! I was humbled this past weekend in Charlevoix despite all the walking I do. I went hiking with one of my groups and we did two hikes of 10km and 12km with lots of climbing. By the end of day 2 I was dragging myself to the finish line. For you FitBit users, I did 200 flights of stairs on day 1 and 278 on day 2. But, I did it and I'll be stepping with Beth in an hour! By the way, stretch #1 was practised throughout the hikes whenever we took a break! I do listen........sometimes.....haha. Paul