Friday, 9 September 2016

Your Body is Your Tool!

I want you to think of your body as the tool that you have been given to live life on this earth to the fullest.

Each joint, muscle and tendon have a specific function to perform and if you neglect to use them in the manner in which they were designed to be used, you cannot be surprised if you discover one day that they won't do what you want them to do.

When we are young, we take these body parts of ours for granted. We get busy. We neglect our health and formal exercise. The problem comes when we get older and those parts start to break just from regular living, because they have not been taken care of properly. The tools have rusted in the box so to speak.

The good news is it's never too late to start taking better care of yourself. Dust off those workout clothes and get busy moving your muscles and joints in the way that they were meant to be moved.

Yesterday, before class, we had a serious discussion about how we all have to keep moving. Some of us may really dislike getting to the gym, but our bodies are so much better off compared to people who put off doing formal exercise. By the way, the social aspect of attending classes, makes exercise fun and the time passes quickly.

I have to say that my students are in incredible shape.

I see the results of hard work and dedication.

I continue to be amazed and inspired daily.

Thanks for a wonderful summer session and see you soon.


1 comment:

  1. Beth, Thanks again for the 4 week session at the church. It just zipped by. Looking forward to Saturdays and my new Essentrics class that Pointe-Claire is offering at the Centre Noel-Legault. I'm giving 3F a break for one session anyway.
