Monday, 21 March 2016

Focus On The Big Picture!

I want to congratulate all of my students who have endured this winter session with me. We are in our final week of a twelve!  I hope that you are feeling like you have improved your cardio, strength, balance and flexibility. I have seen a vast improvement. I am so proud of all of my students.

When we first start training at the beginning of each session, the workout can seem quite challenging. We spend a lot of time focusing on the little details to get the movements just right. Now, as we look back over the last three months, I want you to look at the big picture and see how coming to class has helped you in life in general.

Instead of waiting out winter in our homes, we got out everyday. We engaged with our friends and in the process we stayed in shape. We are moving with ease. Our balance is fabulous. Our strength is better than it was in January and our flexibility has improved. All of this keeps us free from serious injury and disease.

Focusing on the daily grind can bring us down sometimes but if you look around you will see how much better off you are, for getting your butts to class everyday!

This winter was difficult because of the ice and cold.  I was amazed how many students showed up on those ice storm days. Bravo!  Many of us know that once we start missing classes it becomes easier to miss a second and then a third and before we know it, we have stopped attending.

This week is yours to enjoy.  You know the patterns. You know the routines. Focus on posture, performance and above all have fun!  There will be no surprises. You can take comfort in knowing that you are experts.

I love the last week because I get to stand back ( a little bit) and enjoy watching you all perform at your best!

Some of my students have noticed how I slowly increase the challenges over the months that we are training. They are wondering what I will have them doing next!

Stay tuned!

See you soon,

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