Thursday, 23 July 2015

Follow your heart!

One of our closest friends, Nielsen, made this card for us as part of his wedding present. Since we just celebrated our 26th anniversary yesterday, I wanted to speak a bit about this quote from Longfellow.

Nielsen has no idea that this card sits beside our engagement photo, in our room and that we see it everyday.  As time has passed, these words have come to me a lot to me.

I wear my heart on my sleeve (or shirt as in one of my prior blog posts).  At times, this has caused me pain but more often than not I have been lead to meet wonderful people or have positive experiences.

The times that have been disappointing, were the occasions where I trusted someone who ended up being completely interested in their own agenda.  If I am completely honest with myself and if I put down my ego for a second, I can admit that I did not follow my first instinct in these cases. I was probably motivated by greed or power of some kind. Why else would I let my survival instinct be blurred? We get dazzled by promises sometimes.

I have followed my heart in my career choice. I look around me sometimes and smile, wondering how it is that I get to have so much fun at work! I love helping and teaching. I cannot imagine doing anything else!

As for my marriage, I knew as soon as I met Peter, that he was the one I was going to marry. It took him a bit longer to figure this out but eventually we knew from dating other people that we really were a suitable match.

Often how we feel, is the only indication we get, as to whether we should or should not follow a path.You have to follow your heart to find happiness in all aspects of your life.

Laughter is a great indication of if you are on the right path.  Peter certainly makes me laugh.

Have a fabulous day!

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

A couple of kids!

 Happy 26th Anniversary to my husband and I.

We took this picture the day that we decided to get married. We had been hiking in St. Agathe, Quebec. We were in our early 20's. 

I will never forget coming back and announcing to our friends and family our decision.  Most people were happy for us but so many thought we were absolutely nuts! 

26 years later we are still together and heading into a new chapter in our lives.  The kids are grown and now we are setting our sights on different adventures.

I do not know too many couples who are still together if they got married young.  Many of my friends are divorced. It seems that today's couples opt out of marriage or if they do get married it lasts for just a few years.  In this climate, I do not brag about the fact that I have been married for so long because I do not want to offend any of my friends etc.

But today I am proud!

Love you Peter.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Switch your perspective!

  Just like you, I am dealing with some sort of challenge right now.

Some of us are dealing with physical ailments.  Some of us are dealing with financial problems.  Some of us are struggling in our relationships.  The lucky ones may have a bit of all three going on. Yes, I am being a point.

My message today is that these challenges can sometimes be disguised as opportunities.

We only get to understand how strong we are, when we experience these little set backs in our lives.  If everything were easy, we would not push ourselves to try harder. We would not grow.

I believe that the challenge I am facing today is helping me to be a more compassionate person toward others who may be experiencing the same in silence.  We know the signs of someone in distress. We have been there or we are there currently. While the rest of the world rushes by, we can see the sadness in anothers eyes and we have the ability to help, simply because we have experienced it ourselves.

Perhaps the challenge facing you today, is placing you somewhere where you need to be, to help another.

Maybe there is someone who is not as far along on his or her journey as you are and they in fact need you to lend them a hand.  Even though we are dealing with very difficult circumstances sometimes, we all still have our skills and if we can use those inherent parts of ourselves to brighten another persons journey, than I believe that our personal struggle will be eased somewhat.

When my father was in the hospital, there were many people who would share the room and then pass on, only to be replaced by a new patient the next day.  When you spend a year in the hospital, you see a lot of suffering. I once had the opportunity to talk to an elderly lady in the room with my father, who was often asleep and alone.  On this rare occasion she was awake and in need of help as she had dropped her spoon.  I assisted her and in the process found something to compliment her on.  She had the most amazing fingernails and someone had painted them for her.  Well I made her day by telling her how beautiful she looked.  She thanked me.

She died that night in her sleep. I was sad but happy that I had taken the time to ease her pain a bit.  I made her smile. I made her laugh on her last day. 

This little shift in our perspective from being a victim to hero, makes it easier to carry on.

Use your ability to make people laugh or your amazing listening skills to help someone out today.  You will improve your situation in the process, guaranteed.

Have a great day everyone!!!

Monday, 20 July 2015

The Empty Drawer

We tend to have one drawer in our house that collects things.  Broken items that could one day be fixed. Miscellaneous parts that may one day find their way back to the original piece. I am guilty of having a few of these drawers.  Some of them are so full that they are hard to close.

One of my friends recently emptied her junk drawer and took a picture of it. She sent it to her adult children, all living in their own homes, with their own junk drawers. Her email simply said, "you're welcome."

If they got it, they did not let on. I believe one of the kids even sent back a question mark, probably wondering if Mom was starting to lose it.

I understood it all too well, having emptied my Dad's home where he lived for over thirty years.  There were so many junk drawers.  So much unfinished business.  It took my husband and I a full month of hard work to assign each item a new place.

I applauded my friend. I told her how much her kids will thank her if they are not left to make these decisions after she is gone.

My father was so ill during the last year of his life, that he was held up in a hospital bed.  Eventually he had to make the hard choice of not returning to his home, as he waited for long term care in a public venue.  So I took pictures of every item in his home. I catalogued his whole life and together we sat and went through the important things and he decided where he wanted everything of value to go.

That was a bit of a relief but I still had go through all of the junk drawers which, actually held old family photos and antiques.  My job was to empty the house and get it on the market. Most people would have simply pulled up a dumpster and thrown it all out but Peter and I went through every item and dealt with it on my Dad's behalf, the way we felt he would do it, if he were there beside us.

In the end, we found a place for everything. Very little went to a landfill.  We had a garage sale and gave most of the furniture to stores that could sell it for a small profit. I brought home papers that needed further consideration.

Dad passed away 4 months after we sold his home.  I stared at those boxes of paper for years until last summer.  In taking my time, I found many treasures related to our family history that could have been lost forever. 

Perhaps these will now end up in my junk drawer.  My hope is to put them in order and give them a place. I guess in the end, these drawers that we all have, are really drawers of "hope." We hope to get back to them one day and deal with the items properly.

Can you imagine asking someone else to go through every item in your home and then asking them to decide whether it is worth keeping or not?

When we leave our house each day, we may never return. When my dad called 911 that night, he had no idea he would never see his house again.

I guess the message is "do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today," and celebrate those empty drawers!

If you will not do it for yourself, clean out a drawer this week for your family and for your own piece of mind.

Have a great day everyone.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Flowers for you and I

One of my students taught me something very important years ago. Whenever I visited her home, she always had fresh cut flowers on her dining room table.  I was very impressed so I asked her about it.  She told me that she loves flowers and instead of waiting for her husband to buy them for her once or twice a year and being disappointed if he didn't, she buys them for herself! They make her happy and a happy wife/partner is a good partner.

I took this message to heart.  I have been married for 26 years next Wednesday and there have certainly been times when Peter may have forgotten to bring home flowers.  In reality he was simply too busy working hard to make money, to put actual food on the table and I probably felt slighted in some silly way.The pressure we sometimes put on men to be romantic can be a bit much. My student is also a social worker and she is very good at pointing out how hard men work in marriages and how that often gets overlooked by women. Sometimes we just need to change our perspective to find appreciation for each other.

I may not have money to buy flowers for myself every week, but in the summer I do have a garden and I grow roses.  They are not fancy and I am not a great gardener but this one plant in particular gives me several flowers in June and July.  Now I just need to plant other varieties that bloom the rest of the summer and I will be all set!

So I am sharing the flowers above with you in case you need a lift today. The neat thing about these ones in particular is that the three flowers are coming from one stalk.

There is probably some deep hidden message in there for me somewhere...ha,ha.  They simply make me happy.

Have a great weekend everyone and take some time to smell the roses...( I could not resist!)


Thursday, 16 July 2015

Are you old?

In emailing with two of my students yesterday, each of them referred to themselves as part of the "oldies" club. One of the students is 63 and the other I am guessing is a bit older than that but to be honest, all of my students are in such good shape that I often cannot tell how old they are.

I remember last Spring one woman said her age out loud during a conversation in a class that had 45 people in it and the collective gasp was audible as everyone thought she was much much younger. Turns out she is 80 years young. Then everyone broke into applause!  I love these moments.

Many things can make us feel old and because I am in the fitness world, I know that one of these things can be trying a new class.  Learning new moves with a different teacher can be challenging. 

I rarely get any time to try other classes. I am so busy teaching my own that I often hear how fabulous or challenging other teachers are but unfortunately I am not able to experience it myself.

One thing that I am extremely proud of is my ability to work with the 50 + crowd. Not many people know that I am trained to be an Older Adult Specialist along with all of my other certifications.  I do not know anyone in my immediate circle, who has taken this training and I will say that it has made all of the difference in how I approach my students.

Instead of simply arriving in a class to "torture" my students so that they remember my name tomorrow morning, I arrive ready to take them along on a journey.

This journey is totally geared toward their success. I make sure that everyone in the class can follow each move, as this builds confidence and ultimately the students will get better and stronger. I set a choreography for the 10-12 week session and they know that they will get to keep practicing the moves. I also change the muscular conditioning exercises that we do every 4 weeks so that during that time they can see and feel the muscles getting stronger and the movements getting easier. Then we switch it up and pick a whole new set of muscles to work on with different exercises.  I refuse to change this component every single class as the student does not reap the reward of regular exercise if they are constantly being asked to do new things.

I received the best complements after teaching my two yoga classes back to back last Friday. In the first hour a woman in her mid to late fifties, told me how much she enjoys my class because I really explain how to do the poses.  Then in the second hour a much younger lady came up to me and said how grateful she is that I give students enough time in the poses, to actually get something out of them!  She said that my class was the best yoga class she had taken. This made my day!

To me, it is not only about age but about learning.  As a teacher I hate to be the only one up front doing the moves. It is not supposed to be my workout, it is supposed to be all about the students. I hate watching my clients struggle and stumble.  When I see that I have chosen to do something that sends my clients off balance in a bad way, then I stop and switch gears immediately. Yes, it is a bit embarrassing but my job is to make sure that my clients come back. If it were me stumbling around the class, I would not come back, so I always try to put myself in my clients shoes.  When I have to shift gears or change my plans, we all laugh at my mistake and we move happens.

I do not consider any of my students to be old.  I see no age.  I only see bodies full of potential. If you come away from my class feeling defeated and old, than I have not done my job correctly.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with me.

See you soon,

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Did you sleep on it?

I recently rushed into something without sleeping on it and it ended up costing me $100.

As we are not rich, I was feeling badly about this.  My husband is very forgiving and never complains when each of us takes our turn at making mistakes, however I could not shake this saddness.

It really does pay to talk to people ( friends) when you are struggling with something. I am quite close to many of my students as they have watched me grow over the years and it is hard for me to hide my emotions. They all know me so well so I decided to share my story with Laura after class and she completely put my mind at ease.

"Beth you have to look at the money you spent as tuition!. You learned something from the experience and will never do it again."

Wow, I was so blown away by this statement and I instantly felt better. I spend money every year on staying certified by taking courses and exams and with a simply change in thinking, I can judge what happened to me as a huge lesson learned.

I need to listen to my gut instinct at all times.  I should have gone home and thought long and hard about the purchase before I jumped in.  I normally collect information and then study my options.  Unfortunately I felt a bit pressured to buy, not necessarily by the seller but because we have a bit of a relationship, I felt I needed to lend my support. Once I got home and researched the product, I instantly knew it was not for me.

Lesson learned.

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

At a Snail's Pace

As I was eating my lunch last week, I came across this little guy at my feet.

I can honestly say that I've never seen a live snail doing its thing.  I've seen the abandoned shells and admired their colours but never before have I actually spent time watching them move. They truly are slow movers.

I took several photos of my new friend but he was in the shade, on black pavement, so it was a challenge to capture his total beauty!  People driving by must have thought I had lost it, as I crouched down low with my cell phone pointed at the ground. Some city workers passed me laughing. My behaviour seemed strange because from their point of view there was nothing near me that was worthy of a picture. I appeared to be doing nothing.

It appeared to me that this little guy was doing nothing as well but as I studied him for 20 minutes, he had a clear mission in mind and it involved some vegetation. He was on his way to a piece of broken branch even though he appeared to be standing still. He was moving, very slowly. He was making real progress but you had you to watch closely to see it.

My message today is about just that.  At times, we are evolving so slowly that it appears we are not making any progress. 

In fitness, we want "that body" right now and it's hard to wait for the results to manifest in our appearance. Some people give up on their training for this very reason. They expect to see perfection after a week in the gym but it really is about slow, healthy changes. Fast, drastic weight loss that does not include lifelong changes to your eating patterns and exercise regime will result in the weight coming back on.

Losing weight is only one of the ways in which we measure success at the gym but it is the one that gets the most attention. There are other awesome changes that happen deep inside your body that are making you healthier. You cannot see them but every time you get yourself to the gym and lift some weights or do that yoga or aerobics class you are progressing.

There are changes happening in your nervous system that optimize control of the muscles involved in exercise. This can be seen in your reflex responses. You are probably able to process information faster and get moving quicker.

If you are strength training than your muscles are growing.  I am always letting my ladies know that they do not need to worry about looking like a body builder in my classes, we are simply trying to keep their muscles strong and flexible so that we can keep doing the activities that we love. Our muscles are not necessarily bigger but they are defined. I am sure that my clients see huge changes in their ability to complete daily tasks. They tell me all of the time that their doctor's are very impressed with their muscles!

Your hearts are changing as well with regular exercise. The wall of the heart and ventricular cavity size can increase. Your resting blood pressure will improve. Your good cholesterol number will hopefully increase and the bad number will hopefully go down.

Your bones density will improve with regular strength training which is so important for all of us as we age.

We cannot see these physiological adaptations to our bodies but like our friend the snail, we are progressing on our road to better health, slowly.

Please stop comparing yourself to pictures of perfect bodies in magazines. Stop trying to be some else's idea of "the perfect human being."

I am sure that if you are working out regularly and eating well, that you have improved your health in ways that you cannot see on the outside. 

Slow and steady wins the race every single time.

Have a great day everyone.

Friday, 10 July 2015

My August Classes at the Quanta Center.

Hi...Message me if you want to reserve a spot or spread the word if you know someone who could benefit. Thanks everyone for the support.

And for those who do not want to get up early...

Call today and lets have a fabulous August together!


Want to lose 10lbs?

Yesterday, Dr OZ had a segment on his show that highlighted an overweight woman who was consuming many soda's a day.  As part of her effort to become healthier, she stopped drinking the soda's and lost 10lbs in one week. I  know that this is possible as this happened with a client I was personally training in 2007.

Her name was Linda. She was in her 50's and she wanted to get healthier and lose weight. She was 5'4" and she weighed 169lbs. She just wanted to lose 10 pounds to start.

During the interview, she told me what her daily food intake looked like. She was consuming, 2 litres of Diet Coke or Pepsi a day!

I suggested that simply taking that habit out of her routine would result in weight loss. Linda looked me right in the eye and told me that she "would never stop drinking her soda's as that was so important to her day!"

I proposed that we simply get moving more and discuss her diet later when the exercise was going well.

To my surprise she arrived a week later full of smiles.

She had given up the soda and lost 10lbs. No joke.

I trained her from September to December and by December 1st she had lost 22lbs and she looked amazing. What a great Christmas present.

If you want to lose weight and you drink soda, even diet soda, give it up for 2 weeks and see how your life will change. Replace it with water or herbal tea.  Start moving more and you will see results.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Empty Nesters?

My last child moved out on July 1st.  He is 18 years old and now he is renting a room closer to the school he is attending. Our home is an hour drive west of Montreal so this will save him a ton of time.

Our oldest moved out last Fall and my daughter is hardly here at all.  She comes home for about 10 minutes every two weeks to pick stuff up from her room.

So my husband and I have crossed a milestone.  Empty Nester's?  Already?

I have no intention of taking down their rooms until I know for sure that all is working out well for them.  So many people tell me that they will come back as life is rough and they will fall on their faces eventually and need help.  I hate hearing this but I see all around me how this appears to be today's reality

It has felt like a whirlwind really.  Time just zips along when you are chasing kids. I have so much to clean up and get rid of. I have remnants of their childhood all over the house.  Why have I kept this stuff for so long? Funny thing is that they do not want it.  So I need to purge and make space for new life and new growth-my own!

People say that I must be sad.  I am not sad at all.  In speaking with the Grandparents the day that our son left, I explained that I am excited for all of them and for my husband and I. This seems to shock people as well.

Life should be constantly moving forward and evolving.

I think the key is to constantly have goals to work towards.

Now that we have completed the child rearing stage of our relationship, we can find each other again and remember why we started all of this fun 26 years ago.

We have individual goals and goals to work toward together. 

My intention from the very beginning was to get married and have kids.  I got married at 22 and everyone thought I was nuts!!!!  But that was what I wanted.  I stayed home to raise them the way I was raised.  Everyone thought I was crazy for that too! Now that the kids are all gone, people are telling me that this will not last.

When people are suggesting that I have it all wrong, I seem to be on the right track..ha,ha. So I am not worried.

My focus has been to raise them and send them on their way.  I have told this to everyone who will listen. I have achieved this.

What I say to folks whose kids are still living at home is the following- what was your intention going in? Maybe you have been saying all along that you want your kids to be with you forever?  Is that possible? Maybe you could not imagine your life without them so now you have want you have imagined?

We get what we put out...I believe this to be true.

Change your goals and make things happen. If you want your life to change, you must do something different.

Have a great day everyone.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

10,000 Steps a day

I have heard of a number of people trying to get in 10,000 steps a day lately. Of course this is not a new trend and there are all sorts of ways that we can challenge ourselves daily as we work toward optimal health.

I am happy to see these kinds of challenges because they motivate a certain part of the population who may otherwise avoid physical activity!  So Bravo to all of you embarking on walking/running your way to a better life!

For those of you who are wearing those pedometers and working alone or in groups to get the most steps, I want you to know that one of my line dance students proudly displayed a count of 4685 steps to me after our class yesterday.  That was during a 55 minute class.

Another great reason to get dancing! 

Love this!!!

Have a great day walking, running or dancing!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

How long can you take off from exercise?

I read an interesting article in Reader's Digest, January 2013 yesterday about this very topic and since I have so many students off on vacation right now I thought I would share what I learned. (I am relaxing at the Spa in this picture. Melting in the sun.)

The article was written by Alex Hutchinson.  It is called Reverse Motion-How long does it take to get out of shape.

If you stop exercise completely, "you may face what Paul Williams of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory calls- asymmetric weight gain and loss-packing on more flab than you'll lose when you start up again. You don't get to resume where you left off."

Alex goes on to explain that the longer you have been a regular exerciser, the less consequences you will suffer from a long vacation. A larger, stronger heart and denser capillary network from years of regular exercise can remain stable while you sit on the beach for the entire summer. "But healthy changes to metabolism begin to reverse after about two weeks and are back to baseline after four. Similarly, muscles shrink to pretraining size after a month or so."

The science of it all is one thing but going by how you feel when you take a month or more off from training speaks volumes.  I personally get so stiff that I find just regular tasks take longer.  I begin to feel "off," and my husband is always ready to point out at about week two or three that I need to go for a run or a power walk or something as my mood is not the same.

Enjoy your vacation but if you can build in two formal workouts a week, instead of the 6 to 8 you are used to this will help to make your return to the gym easier and those first few workouts will be less painful.

Whenever I take a vacation and return to my students, especially my home studio students, we moan and groan through that first week back and all us swear that we are never taking time off AGAIN!

That is not realistic.  Have fun but remember that you will pay the price one way or another upon your return.  The gym is waiting for everyone.

Have a great day.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Be careful what you wish for!

Have you ever sat back and taken stock of how many of your dreams have come true?

I make it a habit to write down my wishes, my dreams and I have to tell you that I have lost count on how many of them have come true.  I keep a journal and it is fun to go back every once in awhile and see how I have made the things that I envisioned for myself come true. By the way, not all of them have ended up being positive experiences. At times, I got what I thought I wanted, and it ended up being terrible.

While camping last year in Gatineau Park, our site faced a lake and if you look really closely to other side you will be able to make out a VW Camper on a site that jutted out into the lake.  Well I spent my time reading and writing and looking upon that van and I can tell you that I wanted that package.  The ability to just pull up in a camper and not have to set up tents was my dream.

So I spent that last year wishing and putting out my requests.  I booked that exact site two months ago and Peter and I have kept our eyes and ears open for a van that we could afford.  Well, those actual campers go for an arm and a leg so our chances of acquiring one were very slim and then an old friend of Peter offered his cargo van to us.  It has nothing in the back. It was once a van that carried frozen products in it. 

Well that was good enough for me as we can work slowly at turning it into a deluxe camper but for now, we can fit a mattress and I am happy as a lark!

In a few weeks we will be on vacation living the dream I envisioned one year ago! 

Life is magical.

Be careful what you wish for because it will come true! 

Have a great day.


Friday, 3 July 2015

Concern for others

As I have mentioned before I love to read about different faith systems and I love to incorporate pieces of wisdom that I encounter into my own way of life.

On Facebook there was a video clip circulating of the Dali Lama speaking at the Glastonbury Festival's Pyramid Stage in Glastonbury, Somerset, UK on June 28, 2015. I am sure that you can find the clip if you search the Internet or Youtube. It is quite cute.

He is about to turn 80 years old on July 6th.  The group had organized for the Dali Lama to say a few words and blow out some candles on his birthday cake.

I have seen the Dali Lama speak in person at an event in Ottawa.  His story is fascinating and worth learning about.  When I was at that event many years ago, you could have heard a pin drop in the arena that held over 30,000 people.  People just want to hear what this man has to say. There was no band. No music. Just a man and a sofa chair and his voice. Amazing evening.

He is full of laughter and joy and he makes me smile.

While on stage addressing the fact that his birthday was upcoming, he said, and I am paraphrasing, that the secret to true happiness is having concern for others.

He says that his day is completely focused on the well being of others. Imagine how this could change the world if we all stopped chasing material things to find happiness and looked toward each other instead.

If all of us were centrally focused on taking care of each other the world really would be a better place.  Think of the way we walk through our day, rushing, cutting each other off in traffic. Walking through doors without looking behind us to see if we could hold it for the next person. Ignoring humanitarian issues all over the globe.

To live the way the Dali Lama lives would be too much for most of us, however we can try to be more mindful about the way in which we move through our space.

 I guess I am lucky as I get to serve and teach my students everyday and being so centrally focused on their well being has given me such happiness that it bubbles over into everything I do.  I used to have a filing job in a company after I spent three hours teaching in the morning.  I would arrive there everyday full of joy and smiles only to be amazed by how down and depressed everyone else around me seemed to be feeling about their jobs.  I actually had to downplay my joy in order to fit in.  I hated that!!!

I see first hand how focusing on others brings true joy.

Try it. It may change your life.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Thursday, 2 July 2015

Getting off gluten may stop your allergies!

I have had no choice but to change the way I eat. I have a terrible skin condition that is directly linked to ingesting gluten.

I had talked about going gluten free years ago and was discouraged by a few people in my life. They thought that it was simply the latest fad that everyone was jumping on. "Oh don't be like those people!"

So many people are trying everything that they can to lose weight and this is of course one of the benefits to going gluten free.  I lost 10 pounds last fall and it has not come back on but it is a hard road to travel.  Simply choosing to be gluten free is far different than being sick if you ingest gluten.

I do not get to cheat and have pizza or cake or donuts when I am down.  I am not complaining, I just want you to know that people with DH or celiac look at gluten as poison that makes them sick.  We would absolutely love it if there was no way that we could accidentally ingest this stuff at your house or in a restaurant so we could completely relax when we are out and have fun too!

Trying to live "normally" in this society and not eat wheat, rye, barley, malt, oats and corn in some cases in next to impossible.

I feel the best I have ever felt so this is part of the good side of going gluten free. I now fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables and meat instead of bread and pasta and dessert. Though I make amazing gluten free desserts now!

The most surprising benefit of going gluten free is my seasonal allergies have disappeared.

I am whispering this because I cannot believe it and I am afraid that I will jinx this somehow.

I have been suffering from allergies since I was 11 years old.  Every spring my nose and eyes start to run. I start sneezing and coughing and it lasts until the first frost.

This is the first year in 37 that I have not taken any allergy pills.  None.  Not one.  I usually have to live on antihistamines just to appear normal 6-8 months of the year.

I cannot believe how great it feels to breathe properly at night and all day long.  My husband has known me since I was 18 and all he has ever known is my allergy story.  He can see that I am not sneezing and wheezing and he too is just as amazed.

If someone had told me that I could get off my allergy medications and live normally simply by taking gluten out of my diet, I would have tried it and thanked them if it worked.  I have spent thousands of dollars on allergy pills.  I would have rather spent that on good food!

If you hate suffering from your allergies, try going gluten free for two weeks. It may change your life.

FYI, the reason this happens has to do with inflammation and the allergy response within your body. My body was already fighting the gluten so when allergy season came along, my body had to go into absolute overdrive to deal with the pollen etc.

As I have told you before, you cannot really know if you need to get off of gluten until you try and it and see what happens.

Anyway, I am not a doctor or a scientist but I know how I feel. It worked for me. 

Have a great day everyone.