Wednesday, 22 June 2016

My Motivation.

It amazes me how excited I still get seeing brand new students achieve success. Many of you were in the first line dance class of the summer session yesterday and saw me giggling with joy. Let me explain.

I have many dedicated students who have been with me for years and though I get to see you improving aspects of your fitness, I tend to take it for granted because you are all so capable. I am still happy to watch you succeed but there is nothing like watching a hesitant beginner, with low confidence, come into the class and rise above the challenge, to the point where they are smiling and laughing.

I was teaching a level 1/2 dance class yesterday which is a already a challenge because I have to try to keep the class interesting for each of the levels. Within this complex group of dancers, I then had five students who had never danced before. So I had to keep it simple enough and hope that the beginners would feel fabulous and want to come back, yet interesting for the experienced dancers.

All of the beginners mastered the easier dances after several walls. They started out missing steps but before the song was complete, they had found the beat and were dancing right alongside the experts.  This never ceases to make me smile from the inside out!  I just cannot get enough of seeing their eyes light up. I get the same feeling watching any of my dancers, master a complex dance after several weeks of practice.

I was reminded yesterday of just how much I love teaching!

Love it.

Have a great day and see you tomorrow.

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