Thursday, 30 June 2016

"When Life Gives You Lemons..."

All I could do yesterday was laugh. No point in getting frustrated or upset.

I had prepaid for my gas and then threw my wallet and keys onto the drivers seat. While pumping the gas, my car decided to lock itself. I won't get into what I must have done wrong, as I know that my car has a built in 'lock itself" feature. In all 392,000+ km, it has never been a problem.

I finished pumping the gas but all the while I was considering that I am out in the world 'naked.' No cell phone, no wallet, no keys, just my smile. 

"No big deal. The world is a friendly place. I will get some kind of help."

The gas attendant was clearly having a worse day than I was.

Long story short, and a line up of about 6 patrons later, she could not find the CAA phone number. So I asked anyone in line if they had CAA because it is written on the back of the membership card. To my surprise, not one person was a member but then none of them offered to 'google' the number for the attendant, to help speed up the process. I was surprised by the lack of desire to help a stranger but I did not let it bother me. Maybe these folks are having a bad day too.

Eventually she found the number but then her portable phone would not work. I was Amazed at the difficulty I was having but I thanked her and went over to the next business.  

Oh and did I mention I was supposed to be at a doctor's appointment in 20 minutes that I have waited over six months for. All I could do was laugh. At least it was sunny. Somehow I managed to not get caught in the torrential rain that was hitting our area intermittently all day.  So I was quite happy. The walk was short and pleasant. I would not let this situation get the best of me!

It took me forever to find the manager of the restaurant but he did let me use the phone and he actually 'googled' the CAA number and found it.  Then there must have been a new attendant on the phone because it took her much longer than usual to locate me. Again I did not get angry or frustrated. It happens. We all have bad days at work and in life.

CAA was actually there within 30 minutes of locating me.

I watched as this total stranger managed to break into my car effortlessly without any alarm going off. I of course thanked him but wondered secretly about his character. I thought to myself, "wow what a skill to have. Knowing how to break into any car at any time without the alarm going off." Again I laughed. "What is the point of the alarm I wonder?"

I was officially 10 minutes late for my appointment but over 30 minutes away by car. So I called the office only to find out that they stopped answering the phone 5 minutes ago!  Now I was upset but laughing in disbelief.

For those of you who live in Quebec you know all too well that we often wait an hour or more to see the doctor once we arrive in the office! There is no way that she has seen all of the patients! 

I was correct of course! I arrived and told them my story and they fit me in before the end of the shift!

A happy ending to what otherwise could have been a disastrous story. I really believe that our attitude affects the outcome of our experiences.

I am still laughing and so happy that I stayed the course and did not give up. Still amazed at how easily he broke into my car....

Have a great day and see you soon.


Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Sleeping is a Fat Burning Activity!

Yes, it is true. According to Dr. Natasha Turner, we actually burn fat while we sleep. I have included the link to the video of her explaining how this works, at the end of my blog. It is very informative.

During the television segment, Dr. Turner calls sleeping "a great fat burning activity." This caught me by surprise but of course it makes sense because our body repairs itself while in sleep mode. She goes on to explain the hormone component of this fact and it is worth reading.

While this does not mean that you can cancel your gym membership and spend all day napping in bed, it does mean that if you are having trouble losing weight, maybe you are not getting enough sleep.

Most clients I know who are struggling with weight loss, have terrible sleep patterns. They generally go to bed very late and wake up often, before falling out of bed, groggy the next morning.

Lack of sleep can lead to cravings, which can lead to poor eating, which can lead to poor sleeping. It really is a vicious cycle. Dr. Turner explains how hormones are negatively affected by poor sleep and how this translates into weight gain.

I am not a doctor, so I will refrain from giving you any advice on how to get more sleep. I will tell you that you need to address poor sleep habits, if you are struggling with weight loss.

It is not always about what you can accomplish at the gym when it comes to losing weight.

Look at where your calories are coming from, how stressed you are feeling and how well you are sleeping at night. If there is a problem with any one of these three things, than you need to seek help if you really want to lose weight.

Dietitians and your family doctor are your best resource when it comes to learning how you can improve your sleep quality and your life balance!

I on the other hand, can help you burn those extra calories once you climb out of bed and get to my class.


I hope this helps.
See you soon.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Doing Nothing!

I am making a conscious effort to take it easy this summer! I am teaching less classes than in years passed and I am spending more time reading, writing, cooking and gardening. Sometimes, it is only when we slow down that we realize how out of balance we have become.

The truth is I actually crave doing nothing! I have always been the one who goes on vacation and just sits on the beach. Now I see that I can recreate the feeling of vacation, in my everyday life. I guess I am getting older and wiser.

I found this poem by Thomas Merton about doing just that!

Nothing Doing - Thomas Merton

Some of us need to
discover that we will not
begin to live more
fully until we have the 
courage to do and see
and taste and experience
much less than usual...
There are times, then,
when in order to keep 
ourselves in existence at
all we simply have to sit
back for a while and 
do nothing. And for a man
who has let himself be
drawn completely out of
himself by his activity,
nothing is more difficult
than to sit still and rest,
doing nothing at all.
The very act of resting is
the hardest and most courageous act he can

It really is all about balance. We can work hard but we have to rest in equal proportion, in order to stay healthy and happy.

If you are looking for me this summer, I will be smelling the roses in my garden.

See you soon,

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Health in 6 minutes?

While browsing the books at Chapter's yesterday, I was overwhelmed by the number of books promising 'quick fix' solutions to all weight loss issues. What struck me is the focus on speed. Almost all diet or exercise books promise to help you achieve your goals, with a very short time investment from you.

I've had many clients tell me that they have no time to exercise. These 'quick fix' books are trying to attract clients who want a fit body but don't want to put in the time. They seem to want it for nothing and they are willing to buy any book that promises them it is possible.

The cold hard truth is there is no quick solution. Losing weight is hard and it takes commitment on many different levels that require time and energy. While a trainer can make a program for you that is condensed to fit your lifestyle, sustainable change involves alterations to your whole routine.

The simple fact is you have to move more and eat less.

You must exercise and fuel your body with the proper foods that will satisfy your appetite and will give you energy to be active. You cannot expect to lose weight by exercising for just ten minutes every morning, keep eating whatever you want and then sit for ten to twelve hours a day. I am not fond of book titles that make unrealistic promises, so be wary.

There is no magic pill that replaces exercise and proper eating.

From my experience it's the clients who build their lives around their exercise routine, who have the most success. They select the classes that they want to attend or the physical activity that they will do every day and then they never let anything interrupt that commitment.

I have also found that the clients who join a gym, have more success than the clients who try to do it on their own at home. Inevitably home life gets in the way of the workout in the living room.

The only good thing about these books is that they get people thinking and moving, even if it is just for minutes a day. My hope is that it will move them to speak to a trainer at the gym or join a class.  Often it is knowing that we have a gym to go to and that people are expecting to see us, that keeps us on track with our exercise goals.

I am very proud of my students who are fully committed to their workouts. I know how hard it is but I think you also know that the real benefit comes when we begin to feel so good, that we cannot imagine giving up!

See you soon,

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

My Motivation.

It amazes me how excited I still get seeing brand new students achieve success. Many of you were in the first line dance class of the summer session yesterday and saw me giggling with joy. Let me explain.

I have many dedicated students who have been with me for years and though I get to see you improving aspects of your fitness, I tend to take it for granted because you are all so capable. I am still happy to watch you succeed but there is nothing like watching a hesitant beginner, with low confidence, come into the class and rise above the challenge, to the point where they are smiling and laughing.

I was teaching a level 1/2 dance class yesterday which is a already a challenge because I have to try to keep the class interesting for each of the levels. Within this complex group of dancers, I then had five students who had never danced before. So I had to keep it simple enough and hope that the beginners would feel fabulous and want to come back, yet interesting for the experienced dancers.

All of the beginners mastered the easier dances after several walls. They started out missing steps but before the song was complete, they had found the beat and were dancing right alongside the experts.  This never ceases to make me smile from the inside out!  I just cannot get enough of seeing their eyes light up. I get the same feeling watching any of my dancers, master a complex dance after several weeks of practice.

I was reminded yesterday of just how much I love teaching!

Love it.

Have a great day and see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Orthotic Bliss!

Francois Blondin doesn't know this but I think of him often and I thank him every time I teach aerobics or line dance.

Below you can find all of his contact info and I suggest that you call him if you have any foot pain at all.

I have a bunion, which was becoming very painful to the point where even walking was difficult! I simply could not imagine giving up teaching fitness but admittedly it was getting harder and harder to hide my discomfort.

My physiotherapist did all that she could to fix my foot issues with exercises and stretching but she suggested that Francois could take care of my biggest problems with orthotics. The result has been life altering. I went from wondering how I was going to be able to continue teaching fitness, to dancing like my old self in no time.

I started wearing the orthotics in January and I have needed two simple adjustments since then ( included in the original price). I wear a night splint and a toe spacer that is custom made. The secret to success when it comes to working with Francois, is that everything is custom made to fit your foot. He is personable and he truly wants to help you alleviate discomfort and pain.

I waited far too long to go and see Francois. My only regret is that I did not see him a year ago.
Don't delay. You will be so thankful that you addressed your foot issues sooner rather than later.

See you soon,

Monday, 20 June 2016

Vacation Balance

It is just as important to rest, as it is to exercise!

I've had a wonderful vacation.

I worked very hard at doing absolutely nothing but relaxing.

Some people take vacation from work to site see and whirl through guided tours of this and that. I am the one who stays parked on the beach with a good book and some snacks for the entire day, only to look forward to doing it again the next day!

Though I did not make it to a beach this passed week, I read a few books. I wrote poetry. I did soul collage (this involves cutting images out of magazines that impress or speak to you in some way and assembling them on a card to form a new image. For me it is a form of art therapy.)

I worked in my gardens for hours. I made delicious gluten free treats and ate them all.

Most importantly, I stayed home 90% of the time and fell back in love with my sacred space in the woods.

I slept and slept and slept and dreamt about how I can do more of this over the summer.

Happy first day of summer.

See you in class tomorrow.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Vacation Post

I will be on vacation for one week after today's classes. I want to thank all of my students for an amazing Spring session. In the picture, above you can see a heart on my shirt if you look closely. I truly love what I do and I love my students but we all need time off occasionally.

After ten weeks of fitness, one thing remains very clear to me: the 'over fifty' crowd has received the message that exercise is not optional but necessary for health and balance in our lives.

Two of my students sent me pictures yesterday of their vacation on the beach. They were excited to show me that they kept up their yoga routines by the water. They looked so young and vibrant!  I love seeing photos of you being active outside of class. We must remember that exercise is what allows us to keep doing the activities that we love. Bravo!

I also want to thank those students who danced up a storm at my end of the session line dance party on the weekend. We certainly had a great evening.

I will not see you at the closing BBQ. I am giving myself the entire week off to rest up and create new programs for our summer training.

Have a wonderful week. I will start writing new posts again on June 20th.

See you soon,

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Yes to Women's Circles!

If you are a woman and have not had the chance to be a part of a women's circle, I highly recommend that you give it a try.

I am currently involved with one circle and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. My only regret is that I did not learn about it sooner. Meeting these women actually resulted in me joining two other creative groups. It is so refreshing to step out of our comfort zone and meet new people.

Women from all ages and backgrounds make up my circle. Which has been very eye opening for me personally.

The idea is to gather together and share our stories. This is not a typical tea group where everyone talks over one another or people break off into groups to chat. We start with a short greeting time, enjoying some refreshments together and then the circle forms.

We take turns talking about whatever is on our minds. No one can offer advice or interrupt us while we are speaking. While it is our turn, we are holding the stone and when we are done we pass it along to the next person. At the end, the stone is placed in the middle and someone may pick it up again if they feel the need to continue a thread of conversation, however you must ask permission to offer advice to someone in the circle. The whole point is to express ourselves.

It may sound a bit odd but it is a very moving experience. Too often, when we are speaking with our friends or family, we are planning what we will say to them when they finish speaking, instead of actually listening. In this situation we are simply holding space for the speaker and because you cannot comment, you are actually listening and really taking in what is being said. It is amazing how much you hear, when you actually listen!

It is wonderful to speak from the heart and not worry about what someone is going to offer as advice. Instead of only playing situations and problems out in our minds, we can vent our feelings in a safe space and then let them go. No judgement.

The most important lesson that I have learned from this group is that it does not matter how old or young you are or how much money you have, we share the same stories. Too often we feel like we are the only one on the planet going through a situation and that if we only had this or that, things would be better.

I hear and see parts of my life in all of the stories that are told at every circle. I have learned that my experience is not unique and that we should never feel alone.

I had never tried anything like this before. I only knew one lady casually before jumping into this experience. It was a bit terrifying at first but I am so glad that I gave it a try.

'Our greatest life, lives on the other side of our fears.'

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Help A Senior!

I teach a chair muscle conditioning class in which we often sit to lift our weights but we also use the chair for balance during the standing exercises. Despite the use of the chair, my students work very hard and they are fit!

A funny thing happened last week that is still making me laugh and smile.

The building that I work in has an extensive children's program and there was an event for parents and their kids taking place beside my fitness room. I had left the room for a minute while the students were setting up their chairs and when I returned to sit down and get started, I noticed that there were several chairs set up but not in use in the middle of the room.

Whenever I notice an empty chair it concerns me, as it means that someone may have left in distress but ten or so empty chairs is bizarre to say the least! I asked everyone what was going on?

The students started to laugh and explain that a young man, who was waiting in the hallway for the other program, came into our class and began setting up chairs at random. He had been watching my students take chairs off of the dolly and of course he saw that there was a need and he jumped in for the rescue. It was clear that he was trying to help and he had no idea that this was a fitness class.

We took a few minutes to giggle and then praise the young man for jumping in to the aid of seniors but I had to ask my very fit crowd how often this happens to them in their daily lives? How often does someone younger offer to help them lift or carry something? Does this bother them?

What came out of the conversation was the message that they are not insulted when anyone offers assistance. Some seniors mentioned that it does not happen often enough, so when it does they are very grateful and they make certain to thank the person properly.

It doesn't really matter if someone is helping you because they think you are 'too old' or 'too young' to handle something.

What matters most is that people are offering to help one another.

This was a refreshing moment last week. Too often we are rushing and walking right by people in need. Taking a moment to smile and offer a hand to another human being makes everyone feel wonderful.

We need to do more of this!

Have a great day everyone.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Last Class?

One of my small group personal training classes is ending today, for the summer.  The students are understandably worried about this interruption in their fitness training, as I have never taken such a long break before but I see it differently.

Most of the clients that I work with have been with me for many, many years and as a result, their bodies can get used to my style of training. This particular class is very fit, however change is still beneficial. This will force them to try new classes and new experiences, which will ultimately lead to improvement all around.

Remember that the most important fitness rule is to keep moving but if you are always 'moving' in the same way, injuries can develop. I see it as an opportunity for them to develop different skills (perhaps through a new sport), meet new teachers and participants.

We tend to get into 'fitness ruts' and stick to only what we are good at. If you are one of my students, you have learned safe training techniques, that you can take into any fitness activity.

Remember to keep your body in alignment no matter the activity. Posture first!
Remember to gauge the intensity of the workout through your breath.
Listen to any pain signals your body may give you and discuss them with your teacher/trainer.
Preview the class before attending, if you can, and see what it entails.
Do not let anyone push you beyond your limit if it makes you uncomfortable or if it feels unsafe.

I will miss this particular group of people very much but in order to be an effective trainer, I also need to give myself a break occasionally.

Happy training!!!

See you soon,

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Don't Look For Perfection Here.

I am not perfect.

I have never claimed to be perfect.

In fact, I have waited in the shadows, letting other people go ahead of me, feeling that they were the perfect one.

Then it occurred to me, that I could just be me. Flawed but full of good intentions to share. I will never be all things to all people, so there will always be critics. My time is now. None of us should let the fear of what others may think of us, stop us from living our lives.

Instead of watching life pass me by, I have jumped in full throttle this passed year. I have listened to my heart. I have found myself in weird situations and succeeded in turning things around to my advantage. I did not run for cover and hide in the face of challenge.

I am making mistakes every single day but guess what? That is where the joy is. I laugh more now than ever before. Putting my unique spin on classes, dances, food and entertainment. What are you good at? Find ways to spend as much time as possible doing what you love. When you do, you will find happiness.

In living my life, instead of dreaming my life from the sidelines, I have met others who are doing the same. We attract exactly what we need, when we need it.

We wake up each morning with the chance to take our first steps toward the life that we want.

Will you try?
