Tuesday, 2 February 2016

New Workout Blues


It is a new month, which means new programs for all of my students. Today, I introduced the new routines to many of my classes ( each routine being different, as I teach all different levels of fitness) and there was quite a bit of grumbling going around the room.

Yes, I know that it is hard to learn new exercises but the whole point is that you have mastered the January programs and now it is time to change things around. We want to switch up the way we work out to prevent overuse injuries and to avoid the dreaded plateau effect. When we always train in exactly the same way, our bodies adapt and then we stop seeing results.

I try to build on the skills that you have mastered over the month by increasing the difficulty slightly. Your body is then forced to "work" again. You will burn more calories and increase strength and flexibility.

We are working hard on our balance so there were many reasons for the grumbling today. Perhaps you discovered areas of your physical fitness that need improving. This can make us feel a bit down but remember that we felt this way one month ago. Many of us had a month off over the holidays, so that first week back was quite challenging.

I have every confidence that you will love this new program as much as the last one.

Well, maybe 'love' is a big word.

You will start to find your comfort level quite quickly. Just remember that class is not optional. :)

Have a wonderful day.

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