Tuesday 1 September 2015

You are my focus!

All over the world, trainers like myself are preparing programs for our September start up.  I want to let you in on a little secret.  When I am designing my classes, you are the focus, not me.

I think sometimes we enter classes and already we feel like we will never measure up.  That somehow we are failures unless we can keep up to the teacher.  Maybe we feel like the teacher is just a paid robot at the front of the class, hired to look good and push people beyond their limits.

This is not my goal. I do not want you to become me. I want you to become a healthier version of you!

I want you to enjoy your experience in my class so that you keep coming back. If the class is large, my  biggest fear is that beginners will slip through the cracks, feel unnoticed and not return.

So I want you to know that though I absolutely love my returning students, I have an eye out for the new kid on the block.

I am scoping out the class and trying as hard as I can to connect with the newcomers because I have been that nervous newbie in the back. I know what it is to get up the courage to try a new class and feel goofy in the process. I know how hard it is to find time to get to my class. I know that you are busy and so when you appear, it is my mission to let you know that I see you and I am here to serve you!

I do not teach 12-16 classes a week to be the strongest, best performer in the group. I teach that many classes so that I can reach that many people.

I want to give a hand up to someone who has just been told that they have diabetes and they have to exercise more.  I am there to guide that individual who has been told that they have high cholesterol and high blood pressure and that they have to improve their numbers or their lives are at risk. 

Let's face it, some people go to the gym to improve their appearance. While I am there for those people, what truly motivates me everyday is helping people improve their health, combat disease and have fun in the process.

Recently, I have been joking with some of my family and friends, saying that I believe my calling in fitness is to take care of the broken and wounded students. While it is a thrill to help elite athletes be even better, it is ten times more rewarding when a student tells me that because of my class, they are able to get off of medication or that they can now do the things that they love, pain free.

So introduce yourself to me on the first day. Share your success stories with me.

I am looking for you and I am ready to help.


1 comment:

  1. That's great to hear thanks Beth!! See you in class Wed!! :)
