Monday 21 September 2015

Start getting ready now.

The weather is definitely changing. My oldest son, who loves the winter, showed up at our house yesterday wearing his tuque and he will wear it until next Spring. He has taken off the baseball cap and is now getting ready for Winter.  I know that this seems a bit early but in reality, if you are a winter sports enthusiast, now is the time to start training for your favorite winter sport.

I know of a few men who gather once a week during the cold winter months, to play an hour or two of hockey.  There are also Old Timer leagues in some towns, for players who are passed 30 years old.

My concern with both of these groups is that very few of the players spend any real time at the gym training for their sport. They then jump onto the ice and push themselves too fast, too hard and some end up getting badly injured.

My advice for you today is to join your local gym and start using the treadmill or join an aerobics class to improve your cardio before you lace up your skates. Follow that up with some muscular conditioning and stretching. By the time the outdoor rink is ready, you will be in fine form and ready to be the best at your favorite game.

When you start training under safe conditions, you can then see how your body responds and address any issues that might arise. Don't assume that because you were the best player when you were 18 years old, that your body today, will be ready to respond the same way. Regularly test your limits in a safe way. Get to know what a good workout feels like so that if you start having a health crisis of any kind, you will know your body well enough to seek attention and help quickly, instead of ignoring your symptoms for the sake of the game and your friends.

Have a great day everyone,


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