The older I get, the more I realize how little I need to be happy.
If you spend a fair bit of time exploring the online world, you have probably been bombarded by advertising about Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. My inbox has been flooded with information about upcoming sales and last minute deals. I even clicked on a few of these "too good to be true' offers. I found myself spending time exploring amazon sales when I really did not need anything. I almost spent money simply because someone told me I had to shop at this particular time, on that particular day. On each occasion, I left the site with the same money in my pocket as when I first clicked on the item. I woke up from the mindless shopping coma with a toaster in my cart, wondering how to heck I got there!
I do not need anything and when I do have to start my shopping for Christmas, I am going to go to an actual store and support the business that is employing people in our area. Be wise about how you shop especially if you want your area to keep thriving and employing youth.
Many of you know that I spent a few weeks last summer clearing out my house and what came out of the experience was a disgust at how much we had and how much we never used.
My three kids are grown up so I guess this is just a sign of the times. I do not need to be in the stores at this time of year, fighting the crowds for the latest gizmo. Though to be honest, I don't think I ever did this as we simply did not have the money to buy the items that I see young parents getting their kids today.
So I am feeling old. I am very appreciative of all that I have and I want this big, ugly world of commercialism to stay out of my holiday season this year.
I look forward to simply being with my kids and our family. I just want health and happiness.
Wow, I sound like my Grandma..:)))
Have a great day.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
Well Wishes!
"An empty latern
no light.
Self- care,
is the fuel
that allows
your light
to shine brightly."
(Piper Lawson)
This beautiful poem appeared in my Facebook newsfeed this week.
Take care of yourself this weekend. Do something special just for yourself so you can continue to shine brightly on those special people in your life!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Do You Love What You Do?
I have been criticized over the years for expressing how important I believe it is, that we love our jobs. Many of us have jobs that take up eight to ten hours of our day. If we hate our jobs, than this is going to manifest negatively in our bodies.
Perhaps I feel very strongly about the need to love our job because I have seen the negative, physical effects of stress in my clients over the years or perhaps it is because I have read so many self help books and understand the health benefits of being happy in our work. Whatever the reason, I adopted this idea many years ago and it is has helped me to stay happy and positive and relatively stress free. In fact, when I feel stress creeping up in my life, I stop and take the time to evaluate what is going on or what I am doing that is different and I make changes.
I am one of the lucky ones who loves her job. I get so much joy from helping my students achieve their goals, that it makes me want to get out of bed each and every morning. That being said, this philosophy of only doing things that makes me happy has applied to all of the jobs that I have done over my lifetime. At one point I was a file clerk and I loved that job as well!
Not everyone can simply change their job because it is not making them happy. I realize this and that is why I suggest the self help aisle at Chapter's to so many people. We can learn different strategies to cope with our jobs and the parts of them that are causing stress. For example I now attend a weekly meditation course. This has helped me tremendously. I highly recommend taking a class if you have a hard time fitting in meditation.
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." Albert Schweitzer.
We have to make money to live in this world but I have met plenty of rich people who are miserable.
I am not rich in the monetary sense but I am successful because I chose work that makes me happy above all else. I guess the bonus is when we can have both! Perhaps it is focusing on only doing what I love that will bring me to that point. One can hope.
Have a great day.
Perhaps I feel very strongly about the need to love our job because I have seen the negative, physical effects of stress in my clients over the years or perhaps it is because I have read so many self help books and understand the health benefits of being happy in our work. Whatever the reason, I adopted this idea many years ago and it is has helped me to stay happy and positive and relatively stress free. In fact, when I feel stress creeping up in my life, I stop and take the time to evaluate what is going on or what I am doing that is different and I make changes.
I am one of the lucky ones who loves her job. I get so much joy from helping my students achieve their goals, that it makes me want to get out of bed each and every morning. That being said, this philosophy of only doing things that makes me happy has applied to all of the jobs that I have done over my lifetime. At one point I was a file clerk and I loved that job as well!
Not everyone can simply change their job because it is not making them happy. I realize this and that is why I suggest the self help aisle at Chapter's to so many people. We can learn different strategies to cope with our jobs and the parts of them that are causing stress. For example I now attend a weekly meditation course. This has helped me tremendously. I highly recommend taking a class if you have a hard time fitting in meditation.
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." Albert Schweitzer.
We have to make money to live in this world but I have met plenty of rich people who are miserable.
I am not rich in the monetary sense but I am successful because I chose work that makes me happy above all else. I guess the bonus is when we can have both! Perhaps it is focusing on only doing what I love that will bring me to that point. One can hope.
Have a great day.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Muscle Soreness
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS can be felt anywhere from 1-3 days after exercise. It catches us off guard in that way because we often cannot remember what we did specifically to cause the reaction.
I do not often experience DOMS because I am careful not to push myself too hard however on Monday evening during my Yoga Stretch class, I deviated from my 'lesson plan" and added a stretch that I had not done in over two years. I was feeling very good and I decided to challenge myself and the class.
Well, the soreness started last night and I only just put two and two together. Even though this is my career, I had forgotten that this is the body's normal reaction to being pushed a bit too far. Instead of linking it to one of my classes, I started to imagine that I was experiencing the symptoms of some life threatening disease! It is funny how our mind races to the worst scenarios sometimes. I can see how worried my clients are when they tell me about their DOMS. They are very concerned that this discomfort will be with them forever and that they may have done some permanent damage.
I always tell my students to do what feels right for them. This may mean only returning to exercise once the discomfort disappears, which is usually after a few days. I encourage walking and low intensity activity; hot baths or sauna. A massage may help also. In a short time, you should be able to resume exercise.
What I have learned from this experience is that I have not personally taken myself out of my comfort zone in a long while. I gear all of my workouts to my students and I need to get back to taking the time to workout on my own. I will repeat the stretch that has caused this muscle soreness but in a more controlled and gentle way. I simply had not done it in a long time and so my body is speaking to me this morning.
I hope this helps you to know the difference between soreness and injury. While it is normal to feel a bit stiff after a change in your workout, intense pain that keeps you awake at night is not. DOMS rarely causes sleep disruptions. When you are at rest, you should not feel the soreness. It can take up to seven days for all of the soreness to disappear however I really believe that being moderately active will help you recover sooner.
I tease my students and tell them that if they are experiencing DOMS, to come to class and let me know. This is far better than "staying home on the couch and crying into a bag of potatoe chips!" Which is what I would want to do too...but don't.
Have a great day everyone.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
You Should See a Progression
The last two weeks of the twelve week fitness session are the best!
As a teacher, I have spent the last three months developing skills with my students so that they now feel stronger, more comfortable with dances/aerobics and hopefully more flexible and balanced. I usually do not teach anything new in this time period but I will bring back some of the exercises that the students have mastered this session. I do this so that they themselves can see how they have improved!
There is no better feeling as a student than success! So the next two weeks are spent working out and revelling in the mastery of the steps and the joy of achieving goals. This sets us up for a wonderful holiday break.
So if you are in my classes for the next two weeks, I want you to push yourself comfortably, toward your goal knowing that nothing new is going to be thrown at you. I want you to focus on your posture while exercising and enjoy the fact that over the last few months you have become stronger and more confident. Now is the time to test your limits a bit more. The exercises have become more complex over the last ten weeks but rest assured that I only ask you to perform moves that I know you are capable of doing.
Remember that exercise is supposed to feel good at some point. We should not always be in a state of pain from classes. As a student you should see that an effort is being made by the teacher to build students up, not just continually tear them down. Sometimes I hear of classes where the focus really is on making the students suffer. I caution you to remember that your goal is to achieve health. You should feel that you are progressing!
I am very proud of all of my students in all of my classes. It has been a great session!
See you soon,
Monday, 23 November 2015
Address the Issue
On Friday, I tried to re-post a blog that I wrote about my amazing Physiotherapist, Andrea Dewar. She works out of Action Sport Physio in Vaudreuil and Dollard des Ormeaux. For some reason I cannot simply "tell" one of my posts to publish again as a new entry. I encourage anyone in need of a good physio to simply look through my earlier posts from the Spring. She truly is the best and has helped me once again to recover from a problem. They key to physiotherapy though, is to go as soon as the injury takes place. The same day if possible. Do not ignore the issue or eventually it will stop you in your tracks.
Last week, I had to miss a day of classes because of this latest issue that I am facing. When I returned to classes I noticed that many of my students were not present. Many present, felt that those missing, had probably pushed themselves too far, trying to impress the sub!
I have seen this before when clients go beyond their limits to prove to a teacher that they are fit. Unfortunately if we push ourselves too far and do not listen to our bodies we can get hurt. I have mentioned this before to all of my students: if an exercise feels unsafe, they should stop and ask the teacher for some help adapting the exercise or request an an alternative exercise altogether.
One of the comments that came my way last week was, "I was going to show the sub that I could handle anything she threw at me!!!"
The problem with this is that as teachers we want to be able to challenge you and not hurt you. If I am subbing a class and the exercise that I am giving the students seems too easy, than I want to know so that I can change it on the spot and not waste their time. I always ask for feedback and if the feedback is false than that does not help the student, the class as a whole or the teacher.
Address the issue right away if you are experiencing pain or discomfort. Your body is sending out the early warning signals.
Have a fabulous day everyone and see you soon,
Last week, I had to miss a day of classes because of this latest issue that I am facing. When I returned to classes I noticed that many of my students were not present. Many present, felt that those missing, had probably pushed themselves too far, trying to impress the sub!
I have seen this before when clients go beyond their limits to prove to a teacher that they are fit. Unfortunately if we push ourselves too far and do not listen to our bodies we can get hurt. I have mentioned this before to all of my students: if an exercise feels unsafe, they should stop and ask the teacher for some help adapting the exercise or request an an alternative exercise altogether.
One of the comments that came my way last week was, "I was going to show the sub that I could handle anything she threw at me!!!"
The problem with this is that as teachers we want to be able to challenge you and not hurt you. If I am subbing a class and the exercise that I am giving the students seems too easy, than I want to know so that I can change it on the spot and not waste their time. I always ask for feedback and if the feedback is false than that does not help the student, the class as a whole or the teacher.
Address the issue right away if you are experiencing pain or discomfort. Your body is sending out the early warning signals.
Have a fabulous day everyone and see you soon,
Thursday, 19 November 2015
This week I have been struggling with physical pain. I have developed arthritis and let me tell you, I now realize how hard it has been for many of you to get to my classes over the years.
Pain has a way of nailing us down and making us think.
When we cannot rush about our day, we suddenly have time to evaluate and consider what is going on in our lives. We realize how fragile life is and we are forced to be thankful for the simple things like being able to walk pain free.
I wrote a blog in the spring about the various diseases and ailments that come into our lives and how it is so important not to let them take over our lives. I have always tried to see the positive side of the problems that I personally face. I have become a far more compassionate person because of the pain and the struggle.
When we feel invincible, it is easy to get cocky. It is easy to expect others to keep up to our pace.
When we are forced to face the imperfections and cracks in our 'perfect' image of ourselves, we can react one of two ways; run away or stand and face the facts. If we are lucky enough to do the later, we see that these cracks let the light in and in that light, there is opportunity for growth.
I have discovered courage while basking in this light. I am lucky.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
A New Challenge
"Life is a good teacher and a good friend."
These are the wise words of Pema Chodron from her book, When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times.
We have a tendency to want things to stay the same. Especially when things are going well. What Pema teaches us in her book is that life is always changing, always in transition. Sadness comes when we expect that we can control events and have to learn time and time again, that this is not possible.
The trick Pema says is in not hardening into resentment or bitterness. We have to catch ourselves before we go down that path as it will lead to more suffering and sadness.
I am facing a new challenge but what I noticed over the last 48 hours is that I am appreciating the little things more. I see that I had come to take things for granted and I needed a bit of a wake up call. I pride myself on living in the moment but even one who is so tuned in, can get lured into thinking that life is always going to be humming along perfectly! Today I was thankful for things that I had forgotten to be thankful for. I learned a great lesson over the last few days.
Take nothing for granted. Walk a bit slower. Share time with those you love. Sit a bit longer. Take in the sun and the warmth and be thankful for every minute that is your own.
Have a great day.
See you soon,
These are the wise words of Pema Chodron from her book, When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times.
We have a tendency to want things to stay the same. Especially when things are going well. What Pema teaches us in her book is that life is always changing, always in transition. Sadness comes when we expect that we can control events and have to learn time and time again, that this is not possible.
The trick Pema says is in not hardening into resentment or bitterness. We have to catch ourselves before we go down that path as it will lead to more suffering and sadness.
I am facing a new challenge but what I noticed over the last 48 hours is that I am appreciating the little things more. I see that I had come to take things for granted and I needed a bit of a wake up call. I pride myself on living in the moment but even one who is so tuned in, can get lured into thinking that life is always going to be humming along perfectly! Today I was thankful for things that I had forgotten to be thankful for. I learned a great lesson over the last few days.
Take nothing for granted. Walk a bit slower. Share time with those you love. Sit a bit longer. Take in the sun and the warmth and be thankful for every minute that is your own.
Have a great day.
See you soon,
Monday, 16 November 2015
Speak Your Truth
A colleague of mine recently told me how impressed she was with the way that I handled a difficult situation. All of my life I have been worried what others will think of me if I say "no," and as a result, I used to said "yes," to everything even when it would make me sad or miserable.Now I make sure that if something does not feel right, I listen to my heart and I speak my truth as soon as it is appropriate.
I do this to keep stress from piling up in my life. I do this to keep healthy. Unspoken words have a way of piling up and weighing us down. I can bet that if you are feeling stressed or unhappy right now, that it may be linked to some unspoken words or the fact that you are living your life for others, instead of for yourself. This can apply to the work that we are doing or the relationships that we are in. Staying silent when we have so much to say, can make us sick. When you take the time to deal with issues as they come up, it becomes easier to speak your truth and to walk in it.
Watching me navigate this touchy situation impressed my colleague and it seemed to encourage her to do that same. Funny thing is, it happened easily to the point where I did not really even notice that it had happened. I am getting better and better at living my life the way that feels right to me. The fist time you present an opposing point of view or the first time that you disappoint someone by refusing to do what they are asking, is the hardest. After that, practice makes perfect!
Remember to make your decisions based on what you value in your life and as much as possible try to walk through this life living your truth.
There really is no other way.
Have a fabulous day!
Friday, 13 November 2015
My Wish
Sometimes days are difficult.
We wonder what the point is.
We secretly want to give up.
We need to remember who is watching and stay strong!
My wish is that you find the courage to carry on, no matter what you are facing today!
For those of you who are not on Facebook, this was circulating last month. Worth sharing.
Have a great weekend everyone!
See you soon,
We wonder what the point is.
We secretly want to give up.
We need to remember who is watching and stay strong!
My wish is that you find the courage to carry on, no matter what you are facing today!
For those of you who are not on Facebook, this was circulating last month. Worth sharing.
Have a great weekend everyone!
See you soon,

Thursday, 12 November 2015
A Bit of Advice
Clients have taken note of the weight that I have lost over these past few months. FYI, I was 99lbs when I was 22. In fact I have been small my whole life accept for a small belly that had developed over the years. A few years ago I was 118lbs and I was miserable because it was all in my belly and for no apparent reason. I was uncomfortable and felt sick at times after eating.
I am now 48 and I have been stable at 105 lbs for almost a year now. I of course was not trying to lose weight but had to alter my diet because I discovered that I had an allergy to gluten on top of my lactose intolerance. Once I focused on eating fresh fruits and vegetables and lean protein, the weight started to come off. I was carrying a bit of extra weight around my abdominal area that would not go away no matter how hard I tried. I exercise quite a bit obviously so once I corrected my eating habits, the belly became flat.
I am not suggesting that everyone needs to stop eating wheat and gluten but when I even suggest that people take bread, muffins, granola bars and cookies out of their diet for a few weeks, people FREAK out. What this is telling me is that this 'grab and go' society is totally dependent on quick fixes for energy and pleasure. We are no longer looking at food as energy. We eat for comfort 9 times out of 10.
So for all of you folks out there who are telling me that you are so frustrated with your belly weight, I am telling you to try taking those treats out of your diet for a few weeks to a month. Replace those desserts with fruits and vegetables. In fact, try to triple the amount of actual veg that you are eating. I will tell you that if you actually ate the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables, you would have no time to reach for the snacks that are filling you up with sugar and empty calories and packing on the pounds.
The next comment that I hear is, "I hate the taste of vegetables." This is most likely the case because your taste buds have become so used to having sugar on them that you cannot enjoy actual food.
I am not a nurtitionist. I am simply a frustrated trainer who wants her clients to reach their weight loss goals. Stop simply tapping your belly and telling me that you have tried everything! Unless you have actually tried eliminating inflammatory foods from your diet, your body may be suffering on the inside, trying to fight inflammation due to an allergy or intolerance. All of the crunches in the world will not help you.
You will only know once you stop eating these types of food. This happened to me by accident because I had an outward reaction, a skin rash, that told me I was experiencing an allergic reaction. The problem is, in most cases, the reaction is internal and for the most part we just live with gas, bloating and discomfort because we have been taught that bread cannot possibly be bad for us. Wouldn't you like to know if this might be the case for you also?
Funny thing is, half of my clients say that they would rather be overweight than give up bread. They really do not want to know...
Sermon over..
See you soon.
I am now 48 and I have been stable at 105 lbs for almost a year now. I of course was not trying to lose weight but had to alter my diet because I discovered that I had an allergy to gluten on top of my lactose intolerance. Once I focused on eating fresh fruits and vegetables and lean protein, the weight started to come off. I was carrying a bit of extra weight around my abdominal area that would not go away no matter how hard I tried. I exercise quite a bit obviously so once I corrected my eating habits, the belly became flat.
I am not suggesting that everyone needs to stop eating wheat and gluten but when I even suggest that people take bread, muffins, granola bars and cookies out of their diet for a few weeks, people FREAK out. What this is telling me is that this 'grab and go' society is totally dependent on quick fixes for energy and pleasure. We are no longer looking at food as energy. We eat for comfort 9 times out of 10.
So for all of you folks out there who are telling me that you are so frustrated with your belly weight, I am telling you to try taking those treats out of your diet for a few weeks to a month. Replace those desserts with fruits and vegetables. In fact, try to triple the amount of actual veg that you are eating. I will tell you that if you actually ate the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables, you would have no time to reach for the snacks that are filling you up with sugar and empty calories and packing on the pounds.
The next comment that I hear is, "I hate the taste of vegetables." This is most likely the case because your taste buds have become so used to having sugar on them that you cannot enjoy actual food.
I am not a nurtitionist. I am simply a frustrated trainer who wants her clients to reach their weight loss goals. Stop simply tapping your belly and telling me that you have tried everything! Unless you have actually tried eliminating inflammatory foods from your diet, your body may be suffering on the inside, trying to fight inflammation due to an allergy or intolerance. All of the crunches in the world will not help you.
You will only know once you stop eating these types of food. This happened to me by accident because I had an outward reaction, a skin rash, that told me I was experiencing an allergic reaction. The problem is, in most cases, the reaction is internal and for the most part we just live with gas, bloating and discomfort because we have been taught that bread cannot possibly be bad for us. Wouldn't you like to know if this might be the case for you also?
Funny thing is, half of my clients say that they would rather be overweight than give up bread. They really do not want to know...
Sermon over..
See you soon.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Respect Your Limits!
Our bodies are communicating with us all of the time but unfortunately we are all so busy "running" that we tend to ignore or simply do not see the signs.
I had a dream that I found one of my top students sitting off in the corner during our class, looking completely exhausted. Normally this individual is full of energy so it completely freaked me out to notice this while I was teaching. I went over to this person to see if everything was alright and there was no response. I woke up before I could discover anything terrible about this person but what it tells me is perhaps I need to write a general message to all of my students to take note of how they are feeling.
I know that I have tough students in my classes. I am aware that many of you are fighting physical challenges. What I am concerned about is while it is alright to push ourselves to a certain degree, to get to class regularly, it is not wise to push yourselves beyond pain or when we are sick.
I have a few clients who are attending many classes per week, almost too many. Consider that if you are training the same muscle groups everyday, for example doing squats, you are setting yourself up for potential injury. Ideally you balance out your daily workouts to make sure that there is variety in your week. Some cardio. Some muscle conditioning and stretching. Doing more is not always better.
I also have some clients who are discovering that the workout that they have been doing for years is becoming too much for them. This is happening in three different classes. There is a tendency to think that just because you have done the same workout for last 15 years that you will be able to continue the same workout into your eighties and nineties. Sometimes the body starts to tell us that it is too much. Perhaps we cannot manage the muscle conditioning segments safely anymore or the cardio component is leaving us breathless. You must look at these signs and make necessary changes if you want to continue working out safely. Listen to your body. No one wants you to get injured doing your favorite activity. If we are struggling, we may fall or faint and get seriously hurt as a result. Only you know how you are feeling. You must consider what is best for you in the long run.
I hope this helps.
Respect your limits and find new ways to continue exercising. There are so many options available for all levels of fitness.
Have a great day.
I had a dream that I found one of my top students sitting off in the corner during our class, looking completely exhausted. Normally this individual is full of energy so it completely freaked me out to notice this while I was teaching. I went over to this person to see if everything was alright and there was no response. I woke up before I could discover anything terrible about this person but what it tells me is perhaps I need to write a general message to all of my students to take note of how they are feeling.
I know that I have tough students in my classes. I am aware that many of you are fighting physical challenges. What I am concerned about is while it is alright to push ourselves to a certain degree, to get to class regularly, it is not wise to push yourselves beyond pain or when we are sick.
I have a few clients who are attending many classes per week, almost too many. Consider that if you are training the same muscle groups everyday, for example doing squats, you are setting yourself up for potential injury. Ideally you balance out your daily workouts to make sure that there is variety in your week. Some cardio. Some muscle conditioning and stretching. Doing more is not always better.
I also have some clients who are discovering that the workout that they have been doing for years is becoming too much for them. This is happening in three different classes. There is a tendency to think that just because you have done the same workout for last 15 years that you will be able to continue the same workout into your eighties and nineties. Sometimes the body starts to tell us that it is too much. Perhaps we cannot manage the muscle conditioning segments safely anymore or the cardio component is leaving us breathless. You must look at these signs and make necessary changes if you want to continue working out safely. Listen to your body. No one wants you to get injured doing your favorite activity. If we are struggling, we may fall or faint and get seriously hurt as a result. Only you know how you are feeling. You must consider what is best for you in the long run.
I hope this helps.
Respect your limits and find new ways to continue exercising. There are so many options available for all levels of fitness.
Have a great day.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Water the Flowers
A close friend has said this to me many times as of late, "water the flowers and forget about the weeds."
In life we have to focus on the good things if we want to get more of them into our lives.
I meet clients every day who spend a lot of time listing their various ailments to me. I am of course interested because I have to know that they have been cleared to exercise but sometimes I find that people are so consumed with what they perceive as "their problems," that they cannot see the good aspects of their situation. I often remind my students that we are so lucky to have the luxury of sweating together! We are not stuck in a hospital bed.
There is always a "silver lining." I'll admit that it can be hard to see at first but it is there. Last week during the stretching component of one of my classes, I heard a yelp for joy. I turned to find one of my students mastering that particular pose and she had a beautiful smile on her face. What a great moment.
Yes, many of us are broken but the key is that we show up and keep trying to improve our situation. We have to focus on the progress that we are making by regularly working out. I have some clients who give up on their goals because they expected success in 3 or 4 classes. They expected that if they stopped eating junk and showed up to workout everyday for a week, they would lose 20lbs and be instantly happy!
I am here to tell you that the progress will be slow at times but one day you will be able to touch your toes or you will find yourself pulling up those pants that used to be too tight. Focus on the little ways in which you are feeling stronger, healthier and happier. Celebrate the little victories even if one of them is simply getting up earlier to fit in exercise before work.
Just for a moment consider what is right in this moment. Smile and focus on this for the day!
Water those flowers!
In life we have to focus on the good things if we want to get more of them into our lives.
I meet clients every day who spend a lot of time listing their various ailments to me. I am of course interested because I have to know that they have been cleared to exercise but sometimes I find that people are so consumed with what they perceive as "their problems," that they cannot see the good aspects of their situation. I often remind my students that we are so lucky to have the luxury of sweating together! We are not stuck in a hospital bed.
There is always a "silver lining." I'll admit that it can be hard to see at first but it is there. Last week during the stretching component of one of my classes, I heard a yelp for joy. I turned to find one of my students mastering that particular pose and she had a beautiful smile on her face. What a great moment.
Yes, many of us are broken but the key is that we show up and keep trying to improve our situation. We have to focus on the progress that we are making by regularly working out. I have some clients who give up on their goals because they expected success in 3 or 4 classes. They expected that if they stopped eating junk and showed up to workout everyday for a week, they would lose 20lbs and be instantly happy!
I am here to tell you that the progress will be slow at times but one day you will be able to touch your toes or you will find yourself pulling up those pants that used to be too tight. Focus on the little ways in which you are feeling stronger, healthier and happier. Celebrate the little victories even if one of them is simply getting up earlier to fit in exercise before work.
Just for a moment consider what is right in this moment. Smile and focus on this for the day!
Water those flowers!
Monday, 9 November 2015
Find Your Motivation!
As I move about my day, I see many people who need to exercise. I see young people who are carrying a dangerous amount of excess weight. I see middle aged people who have let themselves go for whatever reason and are now complaining of sore knees and backs. I come across seniors who think that golfing, curling and walking is all that they need to do to be fit.
Unless I am approached, I keep my thoughts to myself but I walk away with a lingering dread for these individuals. There is no "free pass" people. If you have no symptoms of disease or degeneration yet, that is great news but chances are there is something building if you are overweight and inactive. You need to find your motivation to get into fitness and ward off the problems that all of us face eventually. You may be in formal exercise classes but still carrying excess weight. I am so happy that you are in class but perhaps you need to investigate your nutritional habits and see if there is something you can do to improve your health.
For instance, as a senior, life may be going along quite smoothly and then you may start experiencing falls for no apparent reason. ( I heard of two serious falls from different classes just last week). If your muscles and balance are weak when this stage hits, you may suffer greater consequences from falls. You may break bones or tear muscles or ligaments and those will take longer to heal if you are out of shape. All of the above will take you out of your routine and away from your favoured activities. Life changes in an instant and my policy has always been to make sure that my clients are prepared for these situations.
My point is do you really want to be the person whose story sounds something like this: "well I ended up in the emergency, I guess I should've been taking better care of myself!"
Should've. Would've. Could've. I hear it too often. The good news is when I am hearing it, it usually means someone is joining my classes and starting to make a difference in their lives.
Find your motivation to make healthy habits before tragedy strikes.
Do not wait for your doctor to tell you that you need to get on medication to improve your health. Instead ask them if you are clear to start going to fitness classes!
Make a change today!
See you soon,
Unless I am approached, I keep my thoughts to myself but I walk away with a lingering dread for these individuals. There is no "free pass" people. If you have no symptoms of disease or degeneration yet, that is great news but chances are there is something building if you are overweight and inactive. You need to find your motivation to get into fitness and ward off the problems that all of us face eventually. You may be in formal exercise classes but still carrying excess weight. I am so happy that you are in class but perhaps you need to investigate your nutritional habits and see if there is something you can do to improve your health.
For instance, as a senior, life may be going along quite smoothly and then you may start experiencing falls for no apparent reason. ( I heard of two serious falls from different classes just last week). If your muscles and balance are weak when this stage hits, you may suffer greater consequences from falls. You may break bones or tear muscles or ligaments and those will take longer to heal if you are out of shape. All of the above will take you out of your routine and away from your favoured activities. Life changes in an instant and my policy has always been to make sure that my clients are prepared for these situations.
My point is do you really want to be the person whose story sounds something like this: "well I ended up in the emergency, I guess I should've been taking better care of myself!"
Should've. Would've. Could've. I hear it too often. The good news is when I am hearing it, it usually means someone is joining my classes and starting to make a difference in their lives.
Find your motivation to make healthy habits before tragedy strikes.
Do not wait for your doctor to tell you that you need to get on medication to improve your health. Instead ask them if you are clear to start going to fitness classes!
Make a change today!
See you soon,
Friday, 6 November 2015
Remember Your Own Brilliance!
My Brilliant Image
One day the sun admitted,
“I am just a shadow.
I wish I could show you
The Infinite Incandescence
That has cast my brilliant image!”
“I wish I could show you,
When you are lonely or in darkness,
The Astonishing Light
Of your own Being!”
I read this poem from a book that was left on the table after our meditation class on Tuesday evening. I opened the book to this page.
It is often hard to remember how special we are because we are so busy trying to keep up to the pace of the world. We spend more time judging our imperfections than we do celebrating our accomplishments and the miracle of our existence.
In this poem, the sun even feels that it is not good enough! That made me pause and consider all of the time, that I personally waste, not feeling like I measure up!
Enough! I am committed to putting an end to negative self talk and thoughts. Are you with me?
We are all special, simply because we are unique creations.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
See you Monday!
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Are You Aware?
As many of you know, I take the Lakeshore to work almost every morning. I force myself to slow down and enjoy the drive, as I found that fighting traffic daily was making me feel like a mouse on a wheel. I thrive when I am by the water, so I often stop for five minutes to center myself for the day or to write a program for a class that I am about to teach.
On Tuesday morning, I was parked in a spot right beside the water and while I was enjoying the view a bird landed on the hood of the car beside me. Now while I was thinking, "wow I would not want that bird on my hood," the man was too busy doing something beside him, to notice that he had a visitor.
The bird was there for a good 3 minutes and this man never looked up. He was parked in this beautiful location but so focused on his business, that he totally missed this rather neat view taking place right in front of his nose. I was enjoying the irony of it all and totally forgot to take in the view of the lake but I had great fun trying to capture the image.
When I got home and showed my husband, he told me to expand the photo even more and then we noticed the man in the distance taking a picture of the lake. So who has the right perspective?
My attention was caught by the bird. I was watching the bird, feeling badly for the man missing the bird but the bird and the photographer are taking in the lovely scenery.
The actual photo captures the inside of my car and you can also see the view of the building behind us in the side view mirror. Peter and I examined that mirror for any signs of people in the window of the building.
Take in the scene. Expand those photos for interesting perspectives. Life is rarely just about one thing. There is so much to take in and appreciate if we slow down and take the time.
See you soon,
On Tuesday morning, I was parked in a spot right beside the water and while I was enjoying the view a bird landed on the hood of the car beside me. Now while I was thinking, "wow I would not want that bird on my hood," the man was too busy doing something beside him, to notice that he had a visitor.
The bird was there for a good 3 minutes and this man never looked up. He was parked in this beautiful location but so focused on his business, that he totally missed this rather neat view taking place right in front of his nose. I was enjoying the irony of it all and totally forgot to take in the view of the lake but I had great fun trying to capture the image.
When I got home and showed my husband, he told me to expand the photo even more and then we noticed the man in the distance taking a picture of the lake. So who has the right perspective?
My attention was caught by the bird. I was watching the bird, feeling badly for the man missing the bird but the bird and the photographer are taking in the lovely scenery.
The actual photo captures the inside of my car and you can also see the view of the building behind us in the side view mirror. Peter and I examined that mirror for any signs of people in the window of the building.
Take in the scene. Expand those photos for interesting perspectives. Life is rarely just about one thing. There is so much to take in and appreciate if we slow down and take the time.
See you soon,
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Feeling the Love
My husband is a very hard worker. Peter does renovations for people as a career. He has built us two houses from the ground up and he fixes all of our cars in his spare time ( 5 cars in the family.) His hands are "working hands," as we like to call them in the family. He does not have the soft hands of a man who works in an office.
Yesterday, we were sitting having coffee at the kitchen table and I caught a glimpse of one of his many work related wounds. He had clobbered his finger I guess during a job but he actually could not remember the details because it had been so long ago. If you look closely you will see that the bruise has turned into a heart.
I keep my eyes open for hearts as little signs from the universe that all is truly right in the world. The fact that my husband has this heart on his finger makes me smile as he is the most generous, kind loving man you will ever meet. He stops on the side of the road for anyone who is in trouble. He gives rides to hitchhikers and loves to tell me about the people he encounters and their tales. He gives his lunch to homeless people if he happens to meet someone in need. He has given his sweater to a man who was in distress on the pavement. The man had fallen and while waiting for the ambulance Peter held his hand and put his sweater under the man's head and once help arrived, Peter left the scene. It was January.
I could go on and on. The heart is fading slowly from his finger tip but his heart is as big as ever to me and everyone who is lucky to call him friend.
Have a great day everyone and look for the hearts. They are literally everywhere and it will make you smile when you find them.
Yesterday, we were sitting having coffee at the kitchen table and I caught a glimpse of one of his many work related wounds. He had clobbered his finger I guess during a job but he actually could not remember the details because it had been so long ago. If you look closely you will see that the bruise has turned into a heart.
I keep my eyes open for hearts as little signs from the universe that all is truly right in the world. The fact that my husband has this heart on his finger makes me smile as he is the most generous, kind loving man you will ever meet. He stops on the side of the road for anyone who is in trouble. He gives rides to hitchhikers and loves to tell me about the people he encounters and their tales. He gives his lunch to homeless people if he happens to meet someone in need. He has given his sweater to a man who was in distress on the pavement. The man had fallen and while waiting for the ambulance Peter held his hand and put his sweater under the man's head and once help arrived, Peter left the scene. It was January.
I could go on and on. The heart is fading slowly from his finger tip but his heart is as big as ever to me and everyone who is lucky to call him friend.
Have a great day everyone and look for the hearts. They are literally everywhere and it will make you smile when you find them.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Laughing in Yoga?
It happens. People can start to laugh unexpectedly in yoga class where traditionally the tone of the class is introspective, quiet and meditative. This occurred in both of my yoga classes yesterday and for some people it provides a much needed stress release. It can be disruptive to others though so we have to make sure it does not get out of hand.
The poses can be challenging and some of them look quite silly. When I am introducing a new pose, I know that there are going to be people who are ready for the challenge and those who are not interested at all. As the teacher, I can see that there are at least three different levels of capability in my class and the important thing for me is to keep offering opportunities for growth, to those who want a bit more of out their class experience.
Everyone has arrived in my class for a different reason. Some students have been told by their doctor that they have to relieve stress and become more flexible. They are often injured and so I have to make sure that they know not to push themselves to the point of discomfort, and to always come out of the pose should they feel badly. Some students want to see all that yoga has to offer them and they are fit and ready to try new poses. For this type of client, they need to see that the class is progressing over the 12 week session.
The challenge for me is to keep the non-injured, perfectly fit individual in great shape so that they do not become injured. The focus cannot always be on the "beginner" or the injured student because I have to keep the more fit students interested and progressing. My mission is to make sure that everyone feels safe and that everyone has options!
Make sure that whatever category you fall into, that you do not impose your situation on the rest of the class by making comments about the pose being "stupid" or "too hard" or "impossible." While it is okay to laugh quietly and smile and revert into a pose that feels safe for yourself, please encourage others who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and grow. We are in a learning environment after all. This is the place to try new things, laugh and grow.
Just keep the laughter at a respectable level. :)
Keep laughing and is too short to miss out on the opportunity to feel joyful.
Monday, 2 November 2015
"I'm happier being fat!"
Those were her words, not mine, as Lady X, a newly acquired friend of mine wolfed down her second piece of pie. She looked at me and asked me if I ever eat dessert. If you know me, you know that I do not hold back on food, especially dessert! I used to make wedding cakes and birthday cakes for money as a part time business and that involves a real passion for both baking and eating! In all fairness though, it takes a bit less to fill me up so I often get accused of restricting my diet.
For some reason, people who barely know me, feel the need to confess to me their dietary sins. On many occasions people have become quite defensive about their food choices and lifestyle with absolutely no provoking from me whatsoever. "Oh, you are a trainer? Well let me tell you...."
Most of the time I can wiggle out of the conversation and direct it in the appropriate direction. On this particular visit with Lady X however, it seemed to be her mission to prove to me, that even though I had not asked about her happiness level or even her weight, she was indeed a much happier person being fat.
I do not judge people as being fat or thin. I look at the overall picture of a person but this individual was carrying a dangerous amount of weight around her middle, she herself would have no problem telling you this. To be clear, we were meeting about something entirely unrelated to fitness and weight loss.
I did manage to put the conversation back onto the subject at hand but I did not really address her beliefs that losing the weight, made her miserable. Her position is not unique. I have heard it before from other people who feel that it sucks to eat a healthy diet. These people maintain that there is no joy in eating salad. I am laughing as I write this because it always takes me by surprise. It is funny how we now associate happiness with the pleasure we derive from physically eating our food. Instead of eating for nourishment, it is all about the experience of eating.
I would argue that if you feel similar to Lady X, that it is not the weight around your middle that is making you unhappy. Something much deeper is causing you to feel down or sad and those feelings that you are avoiding, is the reason that you are reaching for the dessert or whatever vice you have chosen to push the emotions aside. It is the ultimate game of distraction. "Oh I feel sad about....oooo look, pecan pie!"
People have to be ready to deal with the emotional baggage that causes us to overeat and overindulge. As a trainer, I can put you on a program and I can help you to lose the weight but only if you are 100% on board with healing yourself inside and out.
The choice is yours.
Take steps today toward developing a total care plan for yourself. This can be as simple as heading to the bookstore and picking up a book. Maybe you can join a meditation class. The step need not be huge.
I have told you before that you have to nourish the mind, the body and the soul. It is all related. When one area is out of balance you need to face it head on to make lasting changes in your health.
Have a great day!!!
For some reason, people who barely know me, feel the need to confess to me their dietary sins. On many occasions people have become quite defensive about their food choices and lifestyle with absolutely no provoking from me whatsoever. "Oh, you are a trainer? Well let me tell you...."
Most of the time I can wiggle out of the conversation and direct it in the appropriate direction. On this particular visit with Lady X however, it seemed to be her mission to prove to me, that even though I had not asked about her happiness level or even her weight, she was indeed a much happier person being fat.
I do not judge people as being fat or thin. I look at the overall picture of a person but this individual was carrying a dangerous amount of weight around her middle, she herself would have no problem telling you this. To be clear, we were meeting about something entirely unrelated to fitness and weight loss.
I did manage to put the conversation back onto the subject at hand but I did not really address her beliefs that losing the weight, made her miserable. Her position is not unique. I have heard it before from other people who feel that it sucks to eat a healthy diet. These people maintain that there is no joy in eating salad. I am laughing as I write this because it always takes me by surprise. It is funny how we now associate happiness with the pleasure we derive from physically eating our food. Instead of eating for nourishment, it is all about the experience of eating.
I would argue that if you feel similar to Lady X, that it is not the weight around your middle that is making you unhappy. Something much deeper is causing you to feel down or sad and those feelings that you are avoiding, is the reason that you are reaching for the dessert or whatever vice you have chosen to push the emotions aside. It is the ultimate game of distraction. "Oh I feel sad about....oooo look, pecan pie!"
People have to be ready to deal with the emotional baggage that causes us to overeat and overindulge. As a trainer, I can put you on a program and I can help you to lose the weight but only if you are 100% on board with healing yourself inside and out.
The choice is yours.
Take steps today toward developing a total care plan for yourself. This can be as simple as heading to the bookstore and picking up a book. Maybe you can join a meditation class. The step need not be huge.
I have told you before that you have to nourish the mind, the body and the soul. It is all related. When one area is out of balance you need to face it head on to make lasting changes in your health.
Have a great day!!!
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