Monday 1 June 2015

The Tau of Turning Fifty - by Jennifer Boire

 It is no secret that I love books and I love to read and when I find a good one, I like to share!

I recently had the privilege of doing a Soul Collage workshop with the author of this book, Jennifer Boire.

Jenn leads workshops that support our inner journey toward everlasting health and happiness. Jenn has a real knack for helping us to unlock emotions and understand our behaviour.

Jenn's book is called, "The Tau of Turning Fifty. What Every Woman in Her forties Needs to Know." 

It is an excellent resource for any woman nearing this time of life. Jenn discusses all of the typical challenges that women experience and offers solutions to help us learn how to cope with our changing emotions and circumstances.

Here is a list of some of the chapters, to give you a sense of what the book is about:

I Have a Self? Self-Care for the Challenged
Why You Should Practice Self Care: Preventing Burn-out
I Am So Tired, I Just Want to Sleep! Why Rest is Radical.
Transformation, Healing and Release.
Re-discovering Life's Purpose

Within the book there are places to journal, with prompting questions to help you along the way. Jenn also includes a list of valuable books and resources.

This is a book to buy for yourself or a friend who maybe needs a hand as they near menopause.  It is clever, witty and informative.

To get a copy of Jenn's book you can contact her by copying and pasting the following links into your browser. It is very affordable and worth every penny.

All the best,

1 comment:

  1. Truly a gift that you deserve!!! So glad the course and book were helpful!!!! Thanks for joining me on this journey!!!
